Kinect-less XB1 fallout thread *spawn

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I don't think this will gain them much in sales, the PR war is not about Kinect. To gain the sales they need to bring the games, along with needing some solid younger titles (Kameo, Viva, etc).

I called my wife, said we can get a second box for the living room. She said how much will Kinect be later to add back, I don't want to buy one without Kinect. So there we have it, solid proof that (at least my wife) thinks this is a dumb move.

While in gaming I don't yet use Kinect, still waiting on Mass Effect/Skyrim implementations. Maybe they can release a mic array on the cheap for those that really like what VC adds to the console. Or build it into future controllers?

Anyway, $399 vs $399 is still going to be a PR 1080p war I think. None VC tier countries this should help them, they could sell the console earlier and add Kinect later.

Edit: I guess in the current climate at MS, maybe the idea of using a lower priced complete bundle as a loss leader for software adoption was out of the question?
But once the dust settles it will be interesting to see what's the next big thing the Internet will complain about since I still don't think it will still be enough.

Tommy McClain

Before: Price/Performance/Value

After: Performance/Value
It does make sense to offer a bundle that includes Kinect though.
If it's cheaper than an Xbox One and Kinect 2 separately then yes, but otherwise what's the point? It's easier for stock control to have one less SKU if there's no value (as in literal value) in having it.
After: Performance/Value
Yup. Eurogamer report the UK price of the Kinectless bundle being £349 which is the RRP for PS4 but it's not difficult to find the PS4 for less.

However it's a good start. I'll probably jump when I can get it for £299 or with a really compelling game bundle. But there's no must have games for the system yet - for me at least.
£250 I might pick one up minus Kinect. Unless they can do something truly amazing at E3... Which I doubt.

Edit: if only Spence was in charge 2yrs ago.
What a strange decision.

So for $399 I can get PS4 or a weaker PS4? Why would I do that?

It is hard to imagine the XBox one without voice.
So I guess we should expect an OS/Interface redesign at E3 since Kinect was a big part of it?
9th June is also the date of Microsoft's pre-E3 press conference and I doubt that's a coincidence. Perhaps they'll be including something in that bundle that they will announce on the day.
Skype and other non-console things become significantly hobbled if Kinect drops out.
The mobile acquisition may the reason why Microsoft might have gone this route, or it is indicative of the overal motivation of the company rather than what the Xbox division wanted to do about half a year into a generation.
MS is in a good position imo.
They have positioned themselves to attempt to win E3.

Today they have:
a) created parity for gold services, paywall
b) created parity on price, removed the kinect for those of the players that likely couldn't use it from a space limitation etc.
c) essentially created a fairly close PS+ setup.

They only need to prove that X1 can reach graphical parity with their competitor, or showcase that it has more performance that their competitor (not technically impossible; not enough information yet since X1 is still holding back some info, just highly unlikely). The likely case, showcase a much stronger group of exclusive games and media content. This would be considered a win for MS considering today's announcements.

Kinect will likely make its way back into the home if people enjoy and love the X1 and want to integrate the voice control and fitness and kinect at a later date.

PS4 camera is apparently still selling very well and that is a good model to follow.
9th June is also the date of Microsoft's pre-E3 press conference and I doubt that's a coincidence. Perhaps they'll be including something in that bundle that they will announce on the day.

Wishful thinking; If Gears of War Redux or whatever, was available with it ...I'll snatch one (no pun intended) up in a minute. I love Gears... :oops:
Wait a minute...

We’re pleased to bring Games with Gold to Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One in June. Members will have subscription-based access to free games ranging from top hits to breaking indie stars. The program will launch on Xbox One with “Max: The Curse of Brotherhood” and “Halo: Spartan Assault.” A single Gold membership will get you access to the free games for both Xbox One and Xbox 360.

What's that mean? Something like PSN+?
MS needs to make it at least $100 less than PS4 to really be competitive. It's a start though.

Absolutely, whatever your ultimate feeling is about the decision, they just removed the only differentiating factor between the two consoles. Except for the clearly superior performance of the PS4, that is.

They've killed Kinect, which might be a good business decision if there weren't any games on the horizon. But if there weren't any games on the horizon, the entire concept was absurd.

I see this as the first step in the death of the One, and I'm fine with that. First step is to kill kinect, next step is to devalue Gold memberships, the third step is a price reduction to undercut the PS4, and the final step is to announce the replacement console. Or the exit from the business entirely.

Don't really care. I don't need and don't think the market needs two nearly identical systems with only GUI differences at the same price point when one is clearly (even though not hugely), offering superior performance.
Wishful thinking; If Gears of War Redux or whatever, was available with it ...I'll snatch one (no pun intended) up in a minute. I love Gears... :oops:
I'm thinking of a software bundle that won't cost Microsoft too much, but something unannounced is certainly a possibility.

What other reason is there to wait for the day of their press conference? They've already announced it so there is a likely an element to this that they want to make big of.
Wait a minute...

What's that mean? Something like PSN+?

Fairly close / sure it's the same.
You are gifted the game if that month you are a subscriber. It stays with you forever.
But if you are not a gold member, you cannot play the game.
MS just lost with this move. $399 with Kinect is worth it. Without it only 299..

No matter what its still less powerful than PS4. Don Mattrick really left them in hole.
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