Is this ps2.0? (56k)


beyond noob
The screenshot below was taken from the FarCry training level.


Are there any ps2.0 effects?
Maybe on the high-lighted specular parts, the very easy way to confirm is to take a screenshot with a DX8 hardware, then compare the results.

And again, sth done in PS2.0 doesn't necessarily mean the effect is PS2.0 exclusive.
The effect above makes me remember Humus' latest ps2.0 demos. Also, I've never seen similar effects when I had my brave ti4200.
mito said:
Low resolution? What resolution exactly?

I think he means the pipe texture underneath the specular effect. There's no detail to it and it looks blurry. Low res texture.

Well that really depends on the texture settings within the game, but that's not the point. I think the per pixel lightning in this example is done with 2.0 -- it looks somewhat dull with DX8 hardware (Ti4200 to be exact)
IgnorancePersonified said:
Are we talking about the shiny bits on the heavily rusted aged old pipe??
Nothing like a bit of realism, eh?
That's why we get new graphics cards. It used to be we'd get them to enjoy visuals that were blocked out by lens flare, and now we get even better cards that can overcome the rules of common sense.

Powerful stuff, this technology :)
Yeah, now why exactly isn't that rusty pipe not using a specular map to keep those rusty parts from being shiny :p
Gery said:
Btw. I got comparable effects in TRAOD with my 8500 Radeon.

That is where the 16bit intiger PS1.4 comes into play. It can render the range with enough precision for you to see similar effects. The TI4200 never had these similar effects due to lack of ps1.4. But you knew that already so... :D
Cryect said:
Umm well the bumpmapping but what made you think to take a picture of that?

I'm a newbie and trying to figure things out. I have this 9800pro and am amazed by Humus' demos featuring ps2.0. Just like to know where I could find similar effects in games too. It's 3d technology... ;)

My yet-to-be-retired-and-brave ti4200 was amazing, but the 9800pro rocks and is fascinating me.