Is now a good time to buy ATi stock?


I know there are some people who read this board for stock advice, what I'm wondering is if I believe that the R420 is going to be a success would right now be a good time to pick up 2-5k worth of ATi stock?

My wife was bugging me that we should invest if I know some good stocks, and I do think ATi is going to continue to do is now good or should I wait for a dip?
Nope. I'd wait until it drops down around $15. Product releases generally don't drive the price up. Market is doing better and earnings caused the recent spike over $17.

Perhaps hitting a milestone for the Xbox 2 will drive things up, but not the R420.
But, that's like 6 months worth of hookers. Or tons of original Transformers.

In other words, money better spent elsewhere.

I mean, you could always buy 5k worth of 5 cent WorldCom stocks. When they emerge from bankruptcy, their stock could go up to 15 cents. You would be rich.
Nick Spolec said:
But, that's like 6 months worth of hookers. Or tons of original Transformers.

In other words, money better spent elsewhere.

I mean, you could always buy 5k worth of 5 cent WorldCom stocks. When they emerge from bankruptcy, their stock could go up to 15 cents. You would be rich.

Huh? LITTLE WORDS Nick, this is me and it's about the money-thang that I don't get. ;)
Well, i would say wait till NV40 launch, and then if you have a R420 and you are sure it does better, yeah, buy some Ati's stock before the 26 :)
Evildeus said:
Well, i would say wait till NV40 launch, and then if you have a R420 and you are sure it does better, yeah, buy some Ati's stock before the 26 :)
Nah, I don't have any sneak samples. I'm in the dark pretty much as well as everyone else. (I might have some rumors, but nothing hard)

I figure I'll wait until after the launches, we should still know which will do better before the markets will. ;)
IMO, NVIDIA's stock is bound to get at least 5% up between April 10th and April 20th due to the stupid hype, partially from analysts, the NV40 will generate.
After that, nobody got enough R420 info to know what's gonna happen, frankly. And why are you so confident? Intuition, or genuine R420 info?

You know Uttar, i was looking for Nvidia analyst day reports but it seems besides the fact it was long, noone cares enough to make a report.

Do you have a good link for a detailed report by chance ?
Well, considering how ATI guys have restarted posting (a lot) I would say there isn't much work-related stress, concern about competitor's product, sudden rush to find a couple more points in 3DMark0x and so on.
Uttar said:
And why are you so confident? Intuition, or genuine R420 info?

No insider info her 'cept the rumors, but my geek-sense is tingling muchly gooder tingles about the R420 than the nV40.
Do what I'm doing, Dig: sit and wait. Listen.

We'll see it. If you want, I'll PM you when I started buying any of them. ;)
Dig, I have been holding some ATI stock for a good while now, but it seems the company gets little respect on the markets despite the convincing reversal of the last 18 months.

The way the stocks are behaving, it seems that NVDA is being given the benefit of the doubt for the next generation battle. Obviously the NV40 vs. R420 battle looms large, but it seems to me that ATI is making a blitz on the low-end and mid-range markets for the spring OEM refresh, especially with the PCI-E transition.

For a conservative management, they sound quite confident in their strategy going forward, especially in the growing consumer segment (handhelds, STB, DTV, etc). If you listen around the 9:45 mark of Orton's commentary from ATI's last CC, you will hear him state that they have already secured a large number of OEM design wins for their next-generation PC product line:

But I will always stop short of recommending buying ATYT stock or any other. Do your diligence carefully and don't invest money you can't afford to lose. ;)
The problem with the NV40, IMO, is that NVIDIA finally "got it" when it comes to handling rumors (okay, if I was still in this business, I'd beat the hell out of whatever measures they took, but that's another story ;)) - their methods are now MUCH more akin to ATI's. But more aggressive, and also uniting their old methods, thus resulting in a rather... dynamic combo.

The problem, with the "uncertain" information, is knowing just how smart they're being. And why - for each micropiece - are they taking those precautions.

My point is, even if you know 90% of the NV40's specs, whatever remains could either make it a killer - or a loser. I'd bet on the first one, although I wouldn't go overboard, either. Anyway, that means that if you're just speculating, your odds of being right are rather low IMO, but that's just me :)

digitalwanderer said:
kemosabe said:
But I will always stop short of recommending buying ATYT stock or any other. Do your diligence carefully and don't invest money you can't afford to lose. ;)
Sound advice, thanks. :)

A lot of people run into trouble when they "invest emotionally". Instead of looking at the financials and trends, they invest in companies they like or who make products they own. A lot of people (for example) who invested in 3DFX got burned that way. I've seen it happen where people *want* a company's stock to go up (much in the same way as a fan boy is willing the next graphic card from their favoured manufacturer to be a success), and so invest on that basis rather than the numbers. They come unstuck when *wanting* a company's stock to go up does not make it happen in reality.
Keep in mind ... IBM is with Nvidia now .. and IBM has unlimited funds ... and IBM said .. they are going to take back the speed crown .. nothing less.. So you can expect something really impressive from Nvidia .. :devilish:

And we'll see if the canadians (ATI) still rules the gaming market ! :devilish:

rainz said:
Keep in mind ... IBM is with Nvidia now .. and IBM has unlimited funds ... and IBM said .. they are going to take back the speed crown .. nothing less.. So you can expect something really impressive from Nvidia .. :devilish:

And we'll see if the canadians (ATI) still rules the gaming market ! :devilish:

Uhm, aren't you from Canada? :|