Is N5 still in or out of the game???

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Phil said:

rabidrabbit said:
Mods ahoy!!! This thread should've been locked before even the first reply!!!

Why? Because the author of this thread doesn't see Nintendo having the necessary resources (resources being fabbing, money etc I assume) and expertise to compete? Personally, I think it's a valid argument and though I clearly do not agree to the posting style of Deadmeat, in the long run, I don't see Nintendo competing all that well either. If N5 is cancelled I seriously doubt though, but I think a lot is dependand on this next generation for Nintendo's sake.
NO, this should've been locked because he was delibrately giving totally false information, taking a sentence out of context, thus twisting the message to suit his agenda.
Edit: Ok, his first message was ok, but the second posting revealed his intentions.
Phil said:
It is my understanding that 10 million N5 would be sheer disaster, even if they remain profitable for that generation.

Why? If they were profitable it means they actually gained money, and with the billions they have in the bank means one healtthy strong Nintendo. Though from a PR perspective, 10M in sales would be disappointing, that most would agree.

Hardly a disastrous situation though.

rabidrabbit said:
Mods ahoy!!! This thread should've been locked before even the first reply!!!

Why? Because the author of this thread doesn't see Nintendo having the necessary resources (resources being fabbing, money etc I assume) and expertise to compete?

No, because he's trolling the board perhaps? We know DM thinks Nintendo lacks the resources ONLY because it is his opinion that is the case, he's got no actual data to back that up. Just as it is his opinion PS3 will be impossible to program (like it was his opinion PS2 would be, etc). There's no logical thinking behind it all, other than fanboyish hopes his speculation will somehow turn out to be true (which so far it never has I might add).

Personally, I think it's a valid argument

Based on what facts?
You do know Nintendo's a rather rich company, right?
Deadmeat said:
I don't see Nintendo having the resources and expertise to compete in the 5th gen race. I say N5 is unofficially out of the race.

Please refer to the above, which is the first post that opened this thread. Not much of an argument is it?

Now, Phil my friend,
Why? Because the author of this thread doesn't see Nintendo having the necessary resources (resources being fabbing, money etc I assume) and expertise to compete? Personally, I think it's a valid argument

1) That was not an argument, It was a "i think this, I say this, I am right". Not much of an argument.
2) Maybe if he bothered to include in that post one of his usual wacky "arguments", people would have bothered to discuss this topic seriously.
3) Even IF he included one of his wacky "arguments", people here are rather tired of DM's crazy "logic", therefore not much would have come out of this thread anyway. Just look at his track record, there is not one thread he created that is still open.

Now, back to topic.
Personally, i think Nintendo will ultimately become a software-only company. Just not in the next generation. If it happens, then better for everyone since we will all enjoy their fantastic games on all platforms.
PC-Engine said:
Personally, i think Nintendo will ultimately become a software-only company.

And what is the basis for that opinion? Or was that just wishful thinking?

And i'm the one who needs reading comprehension lessons...?

Maybe the Personally and the I think weren't enough to convey my message. My bad, maybe i should go to writing lessons instead hey... :rolleyes: ;)
(i'm just teasing u, but if u keep "following me" around the threads making stupid comments about every word i say, that's what u're gonna get mate)
london-boy said:
Personally, i think Nintendo will ultimately become a software-only company. Just not in the next generation. If it happens, then better for everyone since we will all enjoy their fantastic games on all platforms.
[troll]Except, I fear that as a result many of the Nintendo games loose much of their 'Nintendo Empire Magic Dust'. It happened to Sega already.
They'll lose ~35% of their innocuousness as soon as they are put among the GTA's and Halo's on the store shelves.[/troll]
Edit: l-b, about PC-Engine 'following you around the threads, making stupid comments'.... how can one avoid replying to you, 'cos you're fikking everywhere :)
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