Is N5 still in or out of the game???

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I don't see Nintendo having the resources and expertise to compete in the 5th gen race. I say N5 is unofficially out of the race.
You've already said this before, no need to repeat yourself.

And you go on saying that by the way, despite the FACT Nintendo's stated officially they're NOT out... :rolleyes: Since when did the truth ever stop YOU? ;)
Deadmeat said:
I don't see Nintendo having the resources and expertise to compete in the 5th gen race. I say N5 is unofficially out of the race.

I belive they arent , they have a huge software value ( Mario , Zelda ...)
With cheap hardware it´s very likely they still a major player

PS: but not only with cheap HW , because I love this games :D
Deadmeat said:
I say N5 is unofficially out of the race.

Darn...It's 11 am in japan ,what looked like a normal day for Nintendo turns into a disaster :!:

Deadmeat put them "unofficially" out ou the next gen race!


OK , what's the point of doing such threads (one liner) except for bashing Nintendo?
At least put some of your "special" reasoning , about why you think Nintendo is Doomed next gen!
Well IBM and ATI have the resources/expertise to compete in the 5th gen race, and they are the ones designing N5.
Nintendo is still in the race. What suggest other wise? They have the financial capability of competing and marketing a next generation system in a highly competitive way. I really don't see Nintendo exhausting all their cash reserves in such a short amount of time.

Deadmeat, you should really think about what you say before coming to conclusions. If you do think about these things would you mind ever explaining how you come to such crazy conclusions?

Nintendo is still in the race. What suggest other wise?
Yamauchi's own word a month ago. "Read my lips, no new next-gen Nintendo console... Anyone who speak of next-gen are amatures who don't understand gaming business..."

They have the financial capability of competing and marketing a next generation system in a highly competitive way.
Looking at GC, it is quite obvious Nintendo is no longer competitive. The competition outspend them.

I really don't see Nintendo exhausting all their cash reserves in such a short amount of time.
Why waste precious cash reserve when it could be better invested in stock market???
Re: ...

Deadmeat said:
Yamauchi's own word a month ago. "Read my lips, no new next-gen Nintendo console... Anyone who speak of next-gen are amatures who don't understand gaming business..."

Read my lips, no more Yamauchi President of Nintendo. Iwata-sama took over quite some time ago now!

/me hands Deadmeat a clue

Looking at GC, it is quite obvious Nintendo is no longer competitive. The competition outspend them.

What's better?

Outspending and losing money left and right?

Or spending less and making PROFITS?

I think, as an investor, I'd be much more interested in seeing profits.

Why waste precious cash reserve when it could be better invested in stock market???

See above statement.

Read my lips, no more Yamauchi President of Nintendo. Iwata-sama took over quite some time ago now!
In case you are not aware, the real president of Nintendo is Yamauchi.... Iwata is Yamauchi's puppet/spokeperson...
Re: ...

Deadmeat said:
Read my lips, no more Yamauchi President of Nintendo. Iwata-sama took over quite some time ago now!
In case you are not aware, the real president of Nintendo is Yamauchi.... Iwata is Yamauchi's puppet/spokeperson...


Seriously though, WTF???
Nintendo will sell tons of games in Japan for the foreseeable future. Japan is a big chunk of the global video games market. Microsoft would probably love to have some of Nintendo's popular Japanese franchises.
Re: ...

Deadmeat said:
Read my lips, no more Yamauchi President of Nintendo. Iwata-sama took over quite some time ago now!
In case you are not aware, the real president of Nintendo is Yamauchi.... Iwata is Yamauchi's puppet/spokeperson...

I agree with this statement...
but i really disagree with this one:

Deadmeat said:
Yamauchi's own word a month ago. "Read my lips, no new next-gen Nintendo console... Anyone who speak of next-gen are amatures who don't understand gaming business..."

This has never been said (the Bold part)
But DM, many IBM related articles you post (to *bash* CELL) clearly mention that IBM CPUs are going to be in PS3/XB2 and GC2.
I don't see Nintendo having the resources and expertise to compete in the 5th gen race. I say N5 is unofficially out of the race.

Deadmeat, while I agree with many of the things that you post, this I don't agree with, whatsoever.

As far as I am concerned, N5 is in the race and being
developed at Nintendo (NTD?) IBM, ATI West, as well as
with other major and minor hardware / software companies
around the world. Nintendo N5 (or GCN2) is a VERY important
platform, IMHO. It is one of the 3 serious videogame consoles
on the horizon (i don't count stuff like Phantom or DISCover).

I am, in fact, thankful that there are 3 major consoles in development. I look forward to owning all of them, and the games
made for each that interest me. The fact that Nintendo is still going to have another console beyond Gamecube eases my fears of a solely Sony/Microsoft run console industry. Now, I would MUCH perfer a new SEGA console to a new Nintendo console, but I will take what I can get.

If Nintendo had internally cancelled N5 / GCN2, this would be effecting ATI and to a lesser degree, IBM. we have heard NO serious rumblings of such a cancellation.
Re: ...

Deadmeat said:
Nintendo is still in the race. What suggest other wise?
Yamauchi's own word a month ago. "Read my lips, no new next-gen Nintendo console... Anyone who speak of next-gen are amatures who don't understand gaming business..."

They have the financial capability of competing and marketing a next generation system in a highly competitive way.
Looking at GC, it is quite obvious Nintendo is no longer competitive. The competition outspend them.

I really don't see Nintendo exhausting all their cash reserves in such a short amount of time.
Why waste precious cash reserve when it could be better invested in stock market???

Mods ahoy!!! This thread should've been locked before even the first reply!!!

Anyway Deadmeat.
That Yamauchi's comment was a reply before (if I remember correct) last years E3, or some other trade show. You're taking it out of the context again. Do you work as a journalist in some cheap tabloid magazine, 'cos your writings are just that.

That comment was a reply to a question whether there'll be a showing of next gen Nintendo macine in that show.

...and it wasn't a month ago, more a year ago, or at least several months :rolleyes:
I don't see Nintendo having the resources and expertise to compete in the 5th gen race. I say N5 is unofficially out of the race.

Resources ?
Nintendo has lots of franchises.

Expertise ?
Maybe NEC for fabs ?

Even if they're not winning next gen, 10 millions N5 is enough user base for Nintendo to rip out profits.

Though what I want to see them do, is not compete for living room space. That is they have to bundle a reasonable size screen or screens (ala DS), with N5 a 15" to 23" is an option, when those displays drop in price in the coming years (they already very inexpensive now).

It'll be more personal gaming device like GBA. I think that's what Nintendo should do.
Anything coming from Yamauchi shouldn't be taken seriously, he's old, he's grumpy, and he's not in charge anymore. Almost-complete nonsense, that's the word.

v3 said:
Even if they're not winning next gen, 10 millions N5 is enough user base for Nintendo to rip out profits.

Surely as the market grows, no company as profitable as they might be today, can be happy with such sales? Companies strive to make more profits in oder to survive in the long run. It is my understanding that 10 million N5 would be sheer disaster, even if they remain profitable for that generation.


rabidrabbit said:
Mods ahoy!!! This thread should've been locked before even the first reply!!!

Why? Because the author of this thread doesn't see Nintendo having the necessary resources (resources being fabbing, money etc I assume) and expertise to compete? Personally, I think it's a valid argument and though I clearly do not agree to the posting style of Deadmeat, in the long run, I don't see Nintendo competing all that well either. If N5 is cancelled I seriously doubt though, but I think a lot is dependand on this next generation for Nintendo's sake.
I bet everyone will look differently at Nintendo after this year's E3 show. Previous year was a disaster, this year however...
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