Is it ok to think Scientologists are bonkers?


I know a lot of people are sensitive about respecting others religious views, but is it fair to say that we can universally condemn Scientologists as one seriously whacked-out group of crazies?

I was just perusing some stories off Drudge about Tom Cruise's latest shenanigans and how they're thinking of cancelling Mission Impossible III because of it, and it made me think of that.

I don't get a lot of religions (well, all of them actually) and knock them fairly regularly, but is it fair to say that no one here will be offended by me abusing Scientology and scientologists?

Oh, and XENU!!!!!!
digitalwanderer said:
Yeah, but I just like looking at Jenna Elfman more for some reason...what's she been doing weird? :|

Increasing her "clear" space. It's a Scientology thing, basically turning away anyone in your life who refuses to join the cult or embrace its practices/beliefs.
John Reynolds said:
Increasing her "clear" space. It's a Scientology thing, basically turning away anyone in your life who refuses to join the cult or embrace its practices/beliefs.
No wonder I've never met any scientologists, I'm awfully cluttered. :)
Didn't Hubbard write some early book on creating your own fake religion?

Mind you, who's to say they won't be talking about Hubbard in two thousand years the way people talk about Christ today?
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Mind you, who's to say they won't be talking about Hubbard in two thousand years the way people talk about Christ today?
I expect that if that's the case in 2000 years, you can't even mention LRH's name without paying royalties to the great scam of scientology! :devilish:
Bouncing Zabaglione Bros. said:
Didn't Hubbard write some early book on creating your own fake religion?

Mind you, who's to say they won't be talking about Hubbard in two thousand years the way people talk about Christ today?
I think the difference is one religion is based on faith; the other claims to be based on scientific principle, complete with an apparatus to detect the xenus spirits within you.

One is easily debunked through refutation of scientific means, the other is a philosophical discussion.
'Cept our science isn't advanced enough to prove/disprove the scientologists yet, we haven't got a grasp of the whole space alien demon thingy yet. :?
not only is it ok to think Scientologists are bonkers, I would encourage it. I think you would have to be bonkers to think they are anything but bonkers :p

but I honestly dont think ive met anyone irl who had actually heard about all the Xenu business. mercifully, most people have the impression that there is something weird or just not right with Scientology. Many think it has something to do with Christian Scientists, or even Mormons.

on the handful of occasions where ive actually explained the whole Xenu thing to people the response has been almost identical: utter incredulity that anyone raised in this day and age could believe any of it. I wish more people had seen Bowfinger because I think the almost obvious parody (the Mind-Head people) is pretty much spot on. Maybe the "church" was able to stifle the movie and keep it "underground" lol
Just for giggles I entered "Scientologists are bonkers?" into google and got this on the second hit, "13 things you never knew about Scientology":

The prime belief among Scientologists is that Man is a spiritual entity, or "Thetan", capable of feats beyond those which he will normally envisage. Scientologists claim they are able to unlock these abilities through processes known as "Dianetics". Among the beliefs taught through Dianetics, is the belief that mental pictures of, say, the breakfast you had this morning, aren't merely memories but are composed of energy, and have weight and mass within three dimensional space. Scientology teaches that all of the "mental image pictures" you accumulate through your life are known as your "time track". Certain types of particularly vivid "mental image pictures" are called "engrams". Dianetics explains engrams clearly via the following equation: "A=A=A=A=A". Scientologist processes attempt to erase false engrams in followers, resulting in a state of mind known as "Clear". Scientologists would like to "Clear the planet". That is, "eliminate war, crime and insanity". Geddit?


According to Hubbard, the planet Earth - then known as "Teegeeack" - was once part of a Galactic Federation along with 76 other planets. However, 95 million years ago the Federation was suffering from over-population, and so the Federation's evil ruler, Xenu, captured billions of alien species, transported them to Earth, and killed them all by detonating the planet's volcanoes using hydrogen bombs, and then harvested their spirits. Hubbard called this "Incident II" (Incident I being the creation of the universe, or something like that). The Sea Organisation's insignia carries 22 stars, relating to the 22 planets which had their populations decimated by Incident II. Most Scientologists will not even say the name "Xenu", and others will allegedly pretend they've never even heard of him.
Most Scientologists will not even say the name "Xenu", and others will allegedly pretend they've never even heard of him.

Just as well because people will laugh at their faces so hard that they would die of stroke. :LOL:
digitalwanderer said:
"13 things you never knew about Scientology":


According to Hubbard, the planet Earth - then known as "Teegeeack" - was once part of a Galactic Federation along with 76 other planets. However, 95 million years ago the Federation was suffering from over-population, and so the Federation's evil ruler, Xenu, captured billions of alien species, transported them to Earth, and killed them all by detonating the planet's volcanoes using hydrogen bombs, and then harvested their spirits. Hubbard called this "Incident II" (Incident I being the creation of the universe, or something like that). The Sea Organisation's insignia carries 22 stars, relating to the 22 planets which had their populations decimated by Incident II. Most Scientologists will not even say the name "Xenu", and others will allegedly pretend they've never even heard of him.

Lol, that sounds like it was written by a bad science fiction author. Coincidence? ;)
I mean, the guy is a sci-fi writer, why the hell did anyone fall for that shit? Didn't they know?

How dumb are all these people?

Thankfully our government didn't officially recognize them as a religion. But they're still allowed to operate.