is it a boat, is it a plane... no it's... it's... what is it

holy shit where do i get one!?!?!!!!!!!?!?!!??!!!??!!?!!/1111/1//1////11//
OMFG that has to be the coolest toy ever made by man!!!!! The mixture of water and sky.....YES!!!!!!....i'm getting this...I must now search!!!

EDIT: oh man..I hope its not looks to awesome....
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but it would be more interesting to make you suffer a little longer...

but i'm too nice for that.... gerbers rc store is the place you seek. currently out of stock but he's getting some in on friday apparently.

good news for you american boys, but shipping is a bit gash to the UK. am currently looking at buying about 5 from him because from the package dimesnions it will make a much more sensible size package to ship 5 at a time and be much more economical per unit. just need to find 4 other people who want one, or ebay them!

edit - just thought i better point out before anyone wets them selves about it only being $60, that it's just the body - you need to add all the components
rusty said:
edit - just thought i better point out before anyone wets them selves about it only being $60, that it's just the body - you need to add all the components

Yeah I saw that part, but once you get the parts together and build it...there MUST be a huge sence of accomplishment..then to see the thing fly..OooOOoohh..i'm thinking about getting this myself...but i've never built a R/C "Anything" it hard?
I'd probably need a bigger lake to play in. Pretty annoying to smash the boat/plane thingy in a damn tree during the test drive. :smile:

Very cool toy though. :LOL:
BlueTsunami said:
Yeah I saw that part, but once you get the parts together and build it...there MUST be a huge sence of accomplishment..then to see the thing fly..OooOOoohh..i'm thinking about getting this myself...but i've never built a R/C "Anything" it hard?

no it's not hard... it's easy.

the main thing is the cost of all that adding up... i'd guess you need 3 micro servo's, a 4ch radio and reciever, a speed contoller, an electric motor of some description, and possibly a v-mixer (not sure about that though - depends on the radio you get and how the 'boat' is set up internally.

so that 60 dollar boat turns into nearer 250-300 by the time you get all that (although the more you look around the cheaper you will find this stuff

but it's insanely cool so i think it's definately worth it. the thing is the quickest boat i've ever seen! plus it's a boat that can fly and go over ground.... just too cool for school! be warned though - it doesn;t look like it's easy to fly, you may want to practise over the water just for the softer landing!
$60 is not cheap for a couple of sheets of plastic foam. Here's some detailed pictures of one of the prototypes from the video. It seems things got a little hectic for the guy handeling the design when they realized how insanely cool people thought their idea was. Answering questions, trying to set up a kit-buisness aroud it, 'copycat' kits (saw a german site selling them for €22 earlier) and free 'inspired by' plans turning up. The whole thing started here , and there are boatloads (or planeloads if you will) threads about it in that forum.
i agree, but not everyone has the time or inclination to make their own craft from scratch.

and $60 is pretty standard fare for a base kit... i assume it includes propeller etc too

but yeah, if you were so inlcined you could make one yourself pretty cheap!
rusty said:
$60 is pretty standard fare for a base kit... i assume it includes propeller etc too
True that, but from the wording I think it only include the cutouts. Fom the picture I'd say they're based on the plans in this thread, and those seems to be a bit of a 'community trial and error' work in progress. There are build pictures, (semi) success stories, and videos further on in the thread, though. These things aren't exactly sturdy, and I don't think they appear to be easy to fly. Better keep an extra sheet of foam ready in any event.
i'm not sure what it includes tbh...

i know that it has carbon rods for stiffness across the body... if the kit comes with all the precut parts and push rods, and propellor then i'd happilly pay $60 for the convenience

and no, it certainly doesn't look easy to fly
rusty said:
i'm not sure what it includes tbh...
Me neither. It was only that 'no hardware' line that made me think that you'd need to supply everything down to the controller wire/rods yourself. BTW: Here's that German site (in English) i saw before. From $23 with additional volume discount, but this is definately just the cutouts.