Is eating raw onions bad for you?

make you fart.

Other than that, onions are very healthy raw

hmm... eating an entire onion raw. What's so odd about that? I can eat one without noting for example on top of a bread slices, with cheese, cutlery etc..

Oh, it's the 5 eggs! Fart harder and smell worse!

Really, you should know these without asking :)
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K.I.L.E.R said:
Haven't farted from the eggs or onion I meant.

The only time I fart is when I open my mouth.

Might be some tangled nerves. Everytime you open your mouth, you activate a nerve that also opens your other mouth.
I crap, fart and talk from the same mouth. :LOL:

london-boy said:
Might be some tangled nerves. Everytime you open your mouth, you activate a nerve that also opens your other mouth.
5 raw eggs?
If it was 5 *raw* eggs, there may be some cause for concern, what with salmonella and all. You'd then learn the joy that is counting the number of tiles covering your bathroom floor and walls... for the 8th time... in one sitting.

Cooked or even raw pasteurized eggs wouldn't be as much of an issue, though.
ShootMyMonkey said:
If it was 5 *raw* eggs, there may be some cause for concern, what with salmonella and all. You'd then learn the joy that is counting the number of tiles covering your bathroom floor and walls... for the 8th time... in one sitting.

Cooked or even raw pasteurized eggs wouldn't be as much of an issue, though.
You have a 1 in 30,000 chance of getting an egg with salmonella. I used to drink about 12 raw egg whites every day (mainly due to being too lazy to cook them) and I got salmonella once. It wasn't as bad as most people made it out to be. I was just in the bathroom all night and was feeling better the next day. Just be sure not to use discolored or cracked eggs. Also, make sure the whites are not too cloudy or runny. If you do that, you should be able to go years without getting it, and when you do get it, it will most likely be a mild case.

Eggs lose nutritional value when you cook them, but if you have the time, I reccommend not eating them raw.
london-boy said:
Might be some tangled nerves. Everytime you open your mouth, you activate a nerve that also opens your other mouth.

That may be the way YOU operate. Most of us aren't quite conditioned like that.

/images of l-b double dogging it, dancing through the head
RussSchultz said:

That may be the way YOU operate. Most of us aren't quite conditioned like that.

/images of l-b double dogging it, dancing through the head

I don't operate. I haven't operated in more than a month.
rashly said:
You have a 1 in 30,000 chance of getting an egg with salmonella. I used to drink about 12 raw egg whites every day (mainly due to being too lazy to cook them) and I got salmonella once. It wasn't as bad as most people made it out to be. I was just in the bathroom all night and was feeling better the next day. Just be sure not to use discolored or cracked eggs. Also, make sure the whites are not too cloudy or runny. If you do that, you should be able to go years without getting it, and when you do get it, it will most likely be a mild case.

Eggs lose nutritional value when you cook them, but if you have the time, I reccommend not eating them raw.

Hey. If Rocky can do it then anyone can! I remember my father telling me stories of him eating raw eggs and milkshakes as a teenager (he was skinny then and got bulky and pumped up). Though..the way he would tell sounded like a war story or something. Like a point in his life he doesn't wish to relive. He eats hardboiled eggs every morning though. Its a good kick start to a day.