Good review to reference:
Far Cry 4 and Assassin's Creed Unity seem to like the Fury X plenty, with no particular bottleneck for amount of ram. Other games, such as DA Inquisition, like the Nvidia Titan/980ti better, but don't appear to be bottlenecked by RAM either (390x v 980 non TI). Shadow of Mordor, no difference between 4gb Fury and 6gb 980ti even at 5k:,15.html . Grand Theft Auto 5, no difference between 980 (4gb) and 390x (8gb) between 1440p and 4k:,15.html
So, with multiple reviews, from multiple sites, going on multiple games, all showing that 4gb isn't a bottleneck right now for 4k, the same conclusion I mentioned earlier is easy to see. Framebuffers simply aren't enough to push the memory limits.
IF console makers reliably free up ram (no dynamic freeing up of ram, you're not putting framerate critical resources into ram you may or may not have) then 4gb might not be enough in the future. But for now, and if the status quo is maintained, there is absolutely no evidence at the moment that 4gb is going to restrict you.