"Iraqis logging on for news and porn"


Iraqis logging on for news and porn

LONDON, England (CNN) -- The Baghdad bloggers became famous for their insights into life during the Iraqi war.

The Internet pioneers courted danger and risked death by messaging to the outside world. Now Internet cafes are opening up across Baghdad giving Iraqis the chance to connect without restriction or hindrance for less than $1 per hour.

The service remains slow and firewalls, blocking access, still exist -- but restrictions imposed by the coalition forces are limited to porn rather than Arabic news.

One of the best known and established bloggers was "Salam Pax" who defied Saddam Hussein's regime with his daily war dispatches............<snip>.....Those who are linked often contact "Salam Pax" with requests on how to find news sites, how to download music and how to access porn.

About five bloggers exist in Iraq, two of whom are women.

"Within two months of the war ending, banners were going up advertising the arrival of new Internet cafes," Salam Pax said.

"Restaurants are closing and Internet cafes taking their place. People are packed into them."
Ah...the evils of Western society......music and porn..... :D