ionAXXIA brings console level control to Windows touch-screens. Beta testers wanted

I've started getting emails from Steam users wanting free keys in return for reviews. Not sure what to make of that. Seems tantamount to buying good reviews and folk being scroungers. Obviously proper media outlets need free keys, but where does one draw the line?
I've started getting emails from Steam users wanting free keys in return for reviews. Not sure what to make of that. Seems tantamount to buying good reviews and folk being scroungers. Obviously proper media outlets need free keys, but where does one draw the line?

That's an interesting approach from cash straved gamers. Sell good review in exchange for free key ...

I wish you successful sales and minimal giveaway keys :)
noo my win 10 tablet have its touchscrene cracked, touch no longer work. cant test the touchscreen gameplay :(
It was your cat, wasn't it! Were you cursed in a past life or something? Did a magician inflict your cat on you for penance for some insult you made of him?
I am going to wait for the windows 10 store version 'cos of the compatibility between devices.
As in console? The main problem there is 100% controller control in menus designed for touch and mouse. What's the Xbox Live Creator's Program content like? Are there really early builds present, or is it generally okay stuff?
As in console? The main problem there is 100% controller control in menus designed for touch and mouse. What's the Xbox Live Creator's Program content like? Are there really early builds present, or is it generally okay stuff?
tbh I haven't tried a single Xbox Live Creator's Program game, except maybe some hidden emulators with a name related to a PDF management tool... afaik it is much like the old XNA program, although I remember the XNA store for the X360 and it was very amateur and open indeed. While I am not an expert on the program I think early builds aren't common, if they exist at all.

Couldn't you simply let the controller emulate the mouse movement and clicks for the menus? In the end I am going to play the game on a PC but if it becomes a UWP app...
It'll definitely become a UWP app. I want it on console and TV - it's a great fit. Moving the cursor with the sticks is an option but a lame one! The UI library I'm using theoretically support controller mapping so it might not be too much of a chore, but as I've haven't used that aspect yet, it might well be. ;)