Internet speed problems with Win7


Drunk Member
I've recently (within week or so) ran into strange problems with my net speed, it varies a lot and is never even near what it should be. With a speed tester that's hosted by my own ISP I'm getting 2.5-3.5Mbit/sec speeds, downloading stuff from a servers connected apparently straight to Finlands "internet backbone" (or whatever it's called) I get only around 70-130KB/sec when I should be somewhere around 750KB/sec or something.

I'm behind 8/1MBit ADSL line, and I've now confirmed that the problem is in my Windows (Windows 7 x64 Professional from MSDNAA), the laptop behind same modem gets reasonable speeds, and my main machine got the correct speeds when I tried with Linux LiveCD, aswell.

During the time only thing I've done that as far as I know could affect network performance is applying latency "fix" for WoW, but I've also disabled it afterwards to make sure it wasn't the problem.

Things done:
- Scanned the machine with Microsoft Security Essentials and have Win7's own firewall on at all times, I also have UAC enabled.
- Updated my Marvell integrated NICs drivers to the latest version, no chance there.
- Reseted TCP stack (netsh int ip reset)
- Disabling IPv6 as suggested on another forum

Anyone got any ideas what to try next to solve the problem, preferrably without format/install.
Try uninstalling the NIC via device manager and reinstalling it.
Disable Windows Media's broadcast/sharing protocols?

Those actually made W7 PCs in my university unable to connect to the net at all.
Tried completely clearing the drivers and install them from "fresh ground", no luck
Also tried disabling Media Player Network Sharing service-thingy
Safe mode with networking was just as slow, too, which should rule out my other programs affecting it
You mention modem and multiple machines. What router are you using?

Some basic 4-port A-Link modem, 2 machines attached to it (laptop & this one)
It should however make no difference really, both laptop & this machine get perfectly normal connections, laptop under xp and this one under Ubuntu LiveCD - it has to be something in Win7

I even called MS today about this, they have no record on similar problems so far, so they just gave the standard "try system restore", then "upgrade installation from dvd" and then there's the ultimate "format solution"

no conflicting IPs or enlightening log entries on your router/firewall?

TBH I'm not even sure about my modems IP :LOL:
It's in bridged mode as I have no need for network connection between my laptop and machine
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I assume everyone is using DHCP and not static IPs?
Does the modem have a firewall? Does it change if you turn OFF your W7 firewall?
Does the modem firewall have a DMZ?
I assume everyone is using DHCP and not static IPs?
Does the modem have a firewall? Does it change if you turn OFF your W7 firewall?
Does the modem firewall have a DMZ?

Yes, using DHCP.
I don't think the modem has firewall, but I don't even remember it's IP; it's in bridged mode.

Windows firewall doesn't have any suspicious entries in it for what I could see
Check your router and disable any firewall/packet inspection (SPI) features? Just in case windows 7 is doing something weird with request packets?
Oh well, I guess there's manual for that thing somewhere on the net so I can find out the IP

But it's strange that it would have all of sudden without warnings started doing something like that, I mean, the installation was fine for months.
I even called MS today about it, they had nothing even remotely similar on their records so far, so got just the usual suggestions; system restore to a date when I didn't have the problem yet (impossible, checked already, don't have restore points far enough), "upgrade" or "repair" installation (will try probably next)
If those don't help, it's format time soon I suppose
In 95% of cases its .1 of the subnet you are in. Check the IP of your computer, if your IP is 192.168.1.x then your router IP will most likely be If your computer IP is 10.1.1.x then router IP most likely, etc etc
In 95% of cases its .1 of the subnet you are in. Check the IP of your computer, if your IP is 192.168.1.x then your router IP will most likely be If your computer IP is 10.1.1.x then router IP most likely, etc etc

Like I said, it's in bridged mode at the moment, so my IP is straight from ISP
Thought you mean the modem is bring mode. So I assume you don't have laptop and desktop on the internet at the same time then either.
Thought you mean the modem is bring mode. So I assume you don't have laptop and desktop on the internet at the same time then either.

I do, my ISP allows multiple IPs for one client if he/she wants to use more than one computer in his household.
The machines don't see each other though, since I have no need for network between them, I see bridged mode as more convenient
I am having exactly the same problem and i am also using win 7 professional. Actually i think mine just started.