Indie developer views on Steam, Discoverability, and sales.

If you have time and an interest in statistical analysis this is a very good read.

This is one of the more successful very small indie developers (also makes one of my favorite games ever as I've mentioned before).

The developer goes into detail about the effects of Steam sales, discovery updates 1.0 & 2.0, effects of localization in other languages, effects of being featured by a major Streamer/YouTuber in a positive light (negative Streamer/YouTuber impressions likely won't have a similar effect).

Also makes note of something that I've noticed. Lots of Streamers/YouTubers want to check out a lot of games. That is usually a small fraction of the game codes they get sent. Out of those games they want to check out, they only have time to take a look at a very small percentage of them. In this example, TotalBiscuit had wanted to check out the game for years, but never got the time. But when the DX update came out, he made time to check it out.

In other words, it's very VERY hard to get a title noticed, and it's only gotten a lot worse since Greenlight came into being (tons of games flooded onto Steam every week, most of them not good). However, Steam has done a fairly good job of getting better games more visibility. This doesn't help with initial discoverability for small indie titles unfortunately, as Steam needs data to determine how much visibility to give a game and to what people.

EDIT - Poop! I posted this in the wrong forum. Was meant for the PC Gaming forum.

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