I'm buying a PS2...


.... and not an XBOX.

After going back and forth between the two, I decided on the Sony. Mostly because :

1) it's for my 5-year-old
2) there are many more kiddy games for the PS2 because of (1)
3) controller... XBOX's is just too big for him

I'll be the first to admit I have not at all been interested in the console industry, so I hope I made the right decision based on the above three criterias. I'll be buying it tomorrow. Is this the right decision for my kid?
Certainly PS2 has quite a lot of games to choose from, but for a 5 years old, a GameCube with Gameboy Player (and a GameBoy Advance) may be more appealing.

If just between PS2 and X-BOX, certainly the PS2 is more suited to little kids as there are quite a lot of PS1 games for kids that you can play on the PS2.
Yeah, as bizarre as it seems to be, PS2 probably has more games geared to the young market (7yo and less) than any other console right now. Also, you can get A LOT of high quality games of that kind for $20 or less, courtesy of Greatest Hits re-releases.
TROLL! :LOL: Just kidding...

No, Ps2 should be fine, as long as u don't forget Manhunt in your PS2 when it's his time to play... Not sure how a 5 year old would take it...
Also, a GC might be a better choice but hey, up to u...
... as long as u don't forget Manhunt in your PS2 when it's his time to play... Not sure how a 5 year old would take it...
Ok, I am stupid and ignorant when it comes to consoles... wtf is a "Manhunt" and why should I be worried for my kid because of it?
As much as I like my PS2, my kids would get a GC : many multi-player games (good for health social gaming with friends), inexpensive hardware (yet robust), many fun games (that teach the value of high quality gameplay), etc etc
Reverend said:
... as long as u don't forget Manhunt in your PS2 when it's his time to play... Not sure how a 5 year old would take it...
Ok, I am stupid and ignorant when it comes to consoles... wtf is a "Manhunt" and why should I be worried for my kid because of it?

HAHA well Manhunt is a very sick and violent game, from those who made the GTA series.
DaveBaumann said:
Buy a dance mat and keep him fit whilst playing games!
A-HA! So this is what you bought for Neva, to get her off your back for spending so much time on this site as well as the only real entertainment/socializing outlet for the two of you!!!!

Hehe... well, as a father of a 5-year-old, I want him ever so slightly plump (well, plumpier than he is now... he's skinny, like me) so the dance mat really isn't a good idea! Plump (but healthy... for kids, the two co-exist easier than for adults y'know) 5-year-olds are so much more cute!
DaveBaumann said:
Buy a dance mat and keep him fit whilst playing games!


Anyway, what's that weird "no access" ad-banner that I see appearing at the top of every board page doing? (The image itself resides at this address: http://novometrix.com/access-control/access-denied.jpg - 202341 bytes according to IE (!!!)) When I clicked on it it was replaced with this text:

Options selected. Using IP, address dev.exocomm.net:2 port :2. Need address? Got address : dev.exocomm.net port 1. Using TCP. Port 8080. All good. Got address + port. Binding to ASCENSION.SAVIOR.NODES.NET.exocomm.net. Bound.

:oops: :? :?: :oops:

What's it trying to do, download evil sh!t into my computer? It's not an ad, that's for sure!
Yeah eye-toy is the go. It will excercise them, teach them to clean windows, spin plates and even fight off sudden Ninja attacks, all useful skills in real life.
Yeah eye-toy is the go. It will excercise them, teach them to clean windows, spin plates and even fight off sudden Ninja attacks, all useful skills in real life.


Eyetoy it is!

Please I have my powerpad , power glove and robby the robot .

ANd i'm still fat and over weight haha
The S-controller is just fine. They don't even sell the Xbox with the old pad anymore. I would've gotten a GC + GBA adapter, though.
I think for a child that young, the PS2 is indeed the way to go. The GC probably still has more "regular" games with a more kid-like stylings, but on the whole the PS2 has more games a 5 year-old would play, or at least start out on--especially with access to the entire PS1 library. And indeed, I think kids would have a blast with EyeToy. I certainly wish I had all this stuff around when I was a kid... <snf>

No worries, though, I assume when he gets old enough you'll be corrupting him with games all over the place, so he'll develop well. ;)
<laughs> Yeah, you might as well get it over with early. Less painful that way. ;) It'll happen sooner or later, whether you like it or not.