Balanced discussion, sure - but it seems disingenuous to not consider like for like scenarios, flexibility, or even what is actually happening regarding dynamism and then also post it with some trolly air and flavour text.I think for a balanced discussion it's important to showcase as much as possible before dismissing any of it off.
That being said, there is a stark difference between a demo like the ones posted, and full implementation into a complex AAA title.
Of which DXR has been successfully bolted-onto two titles so far, with a couple more expected later this year.
I don't know where these compute solutions will go or whether they will surface into anythign more significant, but it's good to keep tabs on what can be done outside the realm of RTX.
But obviously I think it's fair to say that we're not comparing this tech demo and it's performance to the performance of what we see from Nvidia RTX cards and BFV and Metro. I mean, lets face it, metro and bfv without RT is going to draw away tons of available graphics performance already; it's questionable how much performance is left on these cards for RT to be done and thus why I still think hardware accelerated RT is the way to go right now, at least for a generation or two.
At the core of the debate there is performance and there is labour cost. The second usually gets omitted in the discussion. But I am a believer that the second is certainly as big of a driver if not larger than the first.
I am really not sure what is happening around the discussion concerning real time raytracing on the GPU, is it just because that NV is first-to-market here? Or that it is currently PC only in the current itetration that is illiciting this response? The price of RTX cards? I am currently baffled that something as innocuous as one type of implementation in the form of RTX cards could get such trolly responses on a nice mediated forum like this - let alone among respected PC GPU reviewers and tech channels. It is one thing to say that the price is not to your liking, or you prefer higher framerates or higher resolution without ray traced effects being on, but disinenguously claiming that developers are sabotaging standard implementations to make RTX look better (as has been written in this very thread) or that they "do not try" (as has been written in this very thread) is really beyond the pale.
I am not sure why, but even Gamer Nexus picked this up and is reporting on it in such a manner:
It seems intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that the comparison is a bit naff when you consider what is actually happening on the GPU, but to label it "actually trying" in the video - my goodness.