Vince said:
EDIT: Come to think of it, I never think I've heard the name Emotion Engine uttered. So, by extention, I doubt people give a care that it is manufactured by OTSS, which includes Toshiba.
Are you kidding
Everyone I know starts rubbing tehmselves in teh privates when they find out a chip is made by OTSS!!!1!
chaphack said:
But im sure any kid or adult, interested in getting a console, would be informed of the basics.
Yes, the basics. Which essentially amount to "this one is Nintendo, that one is Sony, the other one is Microsoft, and [console-of-choice] is DA BEST while the others SUCK!!!!!!11!!!!!"
Growing up, despite being a huge nerd and gamer, I cared squat about the internal chips themselves. Even now, only myself one one other (the 2nd-biggest tech nerd of us
) friend I imagine competently know who makes what makes up the modern consoles. Most probably know that MS/Intel/nVidia make up the Xbox, but that's rather a commonly-accepted combination in PC's as well, so it's easy to remember. But the Gamecube? Doubt it. PS2? I'm sure they'd attribute all to Sony and don't really understand what the innards are comprised of. Dreamcast? Highly doubtful. Doubt they'd know the derivation of the G5 excepting that I was talking about it for a while. Hehe...
People "know" things by expressing interest in it and either talking to someone who does know or searching out the info themselves. My other most-interested-in-tech friend knows bits and scratches, but I'm the only one of us who peruses and converses on sites like this and bops around to see what's what. This is NOT a common occurrance. If your friends are all like this, then it is because you are all HUGE NERDS, not because you are representative of the populace, nor even your age bracket.
Considering the people who work in stores tend to be utterly incompetent anyway, what little info they might regurgitate you can't really trust because there's a good chance they're idiotic anyway. When shopping at CompUSA looking for a new work computer, my friend was basically told to avoid Pentiums at all costs, because Hyperthreading was the computer equivalent of inviting Satan into your house and having him rape your mother with a canoe oar. (Ok, I might have taken some literary license with that.
) Again, not trustable sources, even if you DO happen to get the correct information.
People see the biggest name before them--usually just the ones on the packaging. They inheret their brand predjudices elsewhere, and though they MIGHT lean one way or the other at hearing "Pentium" or "nVidia" or not, the overriding predjudice comes from the big names on the pretty boxes.