"IBM’s POWER5 Chip with 8 Cores and 144MB Cache Showcas

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Not sure what there is to discuss, that thing's going to cost like ten thousand bucks or something like that.

It certainly will not find its way into any home console, that's for sure. :)
Re: "IBM’s POWER5 Chip with 8 Cores and 144MB Cache Sho

Wunderchu said:

sorry about the fact that this news is quite old ... but I did a search and found out that this news has not yet been discussed in the Beyond3D "Console Talk" subforum, as far as I can tell.

Gimme, Gimme. Baby wanna have new toy :LOL:
You could as well ask why IBM's Z90/990 series has yet to be discussed in the console forum. My take would be a huge lack of relevance....

edit: hey humpfingsgack, have you fed the fish?
Obviously a huge package like that is impractical and too expensive for a console. Two years from now, we'll see how much of that can be fit onto one die.
PiNkY said:
edit: hey humpfingsgack, have you fed the fish?

:LOL: Still trying to. Seriously, the list of cds have to acquire is getting longer and longer but at the moment my budget is pretty tight due to the planning of excessive holidays and some hifi equipment investment. But it's on my list...

1. We have seen this before.
2. It has nothing to do with console.
3. Kutaragi's teraflop CELL will look something like that, a big MCM with 16 chips(8 CELLS and 8 DRAMs) on it.
4. MCM will not show up in consoles.
Imagine shrinking all those chips down using 65nm process. A Microsoft senior official now admits that the main processor will have four or more processors. So could Xbox2 processor be a shrunk-down Power5 MCM? Having four or more separate processor packages seem to costly.

Or how about placing all those chips onto one die, as in the case of the EE+GS?
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