I think Linux hates me. :(


Seriously, it does. Over the last 2-3 days I've tried about 3 different distros and none of them seem to work right for me.

It started with me wanting to check out Ubuntu 7.04, but the GUI wouldn't start and I'd get dumped to a command prompt where I'm rather hopeless in Linux. (Tried the latest 32 & 64, then the earlier 32 & 64...same on all) Tried out Mandrake which seemed to work ok, at least it could install a desktop; but the viddy kept bugging out trying to do anything in Firefox and it was annoying as hell. (Spring 2007 copy.) Just got done installing Suse (latest) and it is doing the same thing Ubuntu was doing. :???:

It's bloody pissing me off royally, so I've decided to just attack the problem and MAKE the fucker work. :devilish: (Kids are home sick, I'm sick; I NEED something to distract me)

I'm gonna scrap Suse and go back to the latest Ubuntu and try and figure out how in the heck to make it work.

Is it possible to get my PC Bubbles running under the latest distro of Ubuntu, is this a hopeless quest?

Bubbles 3500+ Venice @ 2.4Ghz, Asus A8R32-MVP, OCZ EL platinum rev 2 1GB (2x512MB) PC3200, 2xATi Radeon X1800GTOs, Audigy2, Altec-Lansing ADA885, DVDR, 80GB, 200GB, 200GB
Blue Tuly 1.4Ghz, TUSL2-C, 512MBcas2, 6800GT, ATi TV-wonder VE, TBSC, DVD, 10/100NIC, 60GB
Bertha Inspiron 1705 UXGA, C2D T5200 (1.6Ghz), 1Gb DDR2 @ 533, 256Mb ATi Mobility X1400, 120Gb 5400, CD/DVD burner
Blackwell 3500+ Newcastle @ 2.2Ghz, Gigabyte K8NS Ultra 939, 2x512MB PC3200, 256MB Radeon X800 TT (500/540), DVD, 80GB WD w/8MB cache
Skitty Athlon 2000+, DFI LanParty NFII Ultra B, 512MB, ATI Radeon 9600 Pro, 60GB, QuickCam
Does the LiveCD work?

I believe your card isnt supported by the opensource "radeon" driver, so you should try to install atis drivers.
If Ubuntu gets far enough to install & configure your network, you should be able to download & install the drivers by commandline: This should work for Feisty too
(Though I wonder why Ubuntu aint just using VESA as fallback)
No clue about the live CD, I had Ubuntu running fine once before but that was only after a couple of hours of generous help from The Baron. :oops:

Thanks for the link, I was trying that last night to no avail....but I just now finally figured out the command to get to the drive where I downloaded the drivers to and am about to try it now.

Linux is a bloody lot like a DEC/VAC, but a few very minor syntax differences were messing me all up. :oops:
I`d highy recommend you to use apt-get, instead of manually DL the drivers (if you can access the net). That way you surely get the right version and potentially missing packages are installed aswell.

Edit: Awww, just read your last post. No apt-get equals big f**king trouble, its a core component of Ubuntu.
Are you sure you got the right ISO (desktop or -alternate )and not some ...er... weird Version? Thats the only thing I can come up with, sorry.
Dig...the Live CD of ubuntu is bootable. Burn that ISO then boot to it to see what works and what does not. It isn't fast but a good test.

You might try taking the 9600 or x800 out of another machine for the install until you get the proprietary driver installed from ATI's site.

Either that or buy my X1800-XT-PE - I know it works under both Ubuntu and SuSE 10.2 :) (jk)
Edit: Awww, just read your last post. No apt-get equals big f**king trouble, its a core component of Ubuntu.
Are you sure you got the right ISO (desktop or -alternate )and not some ...er... weird Version? Thats the only thing I can come up with, sorry.

Very bizarre...apt-get should definitely be there.
I gave up on it and went back to Mandrake. It seems to be working pretty well as I'm posting this with it, but the 60Hz refresh rate is melting my eyeballs. :???:

How do I update my drivers/change the refresh to something less painful?
I gave up on it and went back to Mandrake. It seems to be working pretty well as I'm posting this with it, but the 60Hz refresh rate is melting my eyeballs. :???:

How do I update my drivers/change the refresh to something less painful?

The old fashioned way is within your /etc/X11/XF86Config file somewhere where you set the modes of your monitor. Mandriva doesn't have native ATI support I guess.

Do you know what mode (resolution and refresh) you want?
Hey, I actually managed to download/copy and navigate may way to the latest ATi drivers and managed to run the right install command....but it's the wrong version or something.

I even tried forcing it, but the highest version I could force was 710 and I think I'm running 720. :(
Hey, I actually managed to download/copy and navigate may way to the latest ATi drivers and managed to run the right install command....but it's the wrong version or something.

I even tried forcing it, but the highest version I could force was 710 and I think I'm running 720. :(

It's not the drivers but the monitor information in that config file. It's not detecting all your modes or something. Don't know Mandriva enough to know if they've got a gui tool for it or not, but if you google XF86Config you'll find lots of goodies on how to do what you're talking about.
Digi, take a step back and be cool. We'll talk you through it. ;)

Step 1: Burn the Ubuntu image. Check.
Step 2: Download the ATI drivers and put them on a Bubbles HD or an USB stick. Check.
Step 3: Take out one of the X1800s.
Step 4: Boot with the CD, and tell us what happens.
Ok, I was going good all the way up to step 3....but I couldn't! :oops:

I find I am physically incapable of downgrading my rig to run an OS, it surprised me too.
Ok, I was going good all the way up to step 3....but I couldn't! :oops:

I find I am physically incapable of downgrading my rig to run an OS, it surprised me too.
Don't worry. We'll have her run with both cards inside. It's only to see what goes wrong during the installation, and fix it. ;)
Hmmm, I could try it. I'll give her a go a bit later after I'm done with my Monday-from-hell, I just spent an hour cleaning a goldfish bowl out of sheer frustration. :oops:
You're not alone with the "I think Linux hates me" feeling, my one and only (non-virtual machine) installation of linux ended up with HDD RMA'ed due fubared MBR (the machine wouldn't boot from another HDD, CD or diskette or anything if that HDD was connected :LOL: )
Wonder how this will go with my X1950 Pro. Ubuntu 7.04 is currently at the 72% mark, I've started and stopped a few times in the last day or two. The only reason I have not fully switched in the past is because of the games issues, however my gaming has seen a major down turn recently with WoW being the only game that I play regularly. It appears WoW works fine in wine however, so we'll see how things go.