I Just Saw My Cat Get Run over.

Dave Baumann

Gamerscore Wh...
Well, there I am, doing the nightly cat herding, and them trying to hide from me - Nibblet is being a bit daring and is over the other side of the side of the road at the front of our house. I just spot him as he darts onto the road, hear a beep from a car coming (speeding) down the road and then a thud. Fortunatly Nibblet still manages to run away - I find him 5 minutes later in the back garden, somewhat shocked.

He definatly got hit by the car, however after a late night vet visit it appears (hopefully) that there is nothing seriously wrong with him (or at least, not that we can tell at the moment). He has some bleeding (and almost certianly bruises), and a mildly cartoon like tyre marks on his back legs.

Amazingly resilient, or rubbery, things cats.
You call your cat Nibblet, that's so cute. :D
Your kitty katty should be fine. Thankfully Nibblet is alive.

Now shouldn't you be a little more responsible for cute Nibblet?
Oh my gods, I am SO glad your kitty is ok! :oops:

The time between seeing the thread title and waiting for the thread to load was just filled with dread for me expecting a traumatic horror story inside, I'm sorry your cat got hit but I sure am glad Nibblet is going to be ok. 8)
Glad to hear Nibblet is OK, Dave. Pretty amazing escape, but cats are amazing animals. Keep an eye on Nibblet, though, as often cats can suffer from extreme shock after an accident, and this can sometimes kill them. Also look out for any signs of internal bleeding. Anyway, phew!
Well, Nibblet's very lucky then.

Years ago, Max, a black Cocker Spaniel of mine, not only was hit by a big 4WD, but the driver then drove over the poor fella after hitting him (the driver knew he hit Max -- he stopped the 4WD -- coz the yelp was quite audible but the driver probably didn't know Max was lying right in front of one of the tyres and he just drove away, squashing Max). I actually saw the life go out of him, blood oozing out. Carried him and buried him.
I ran into my friends cat once, but it did him no harm either. Lucky cat. Of course he went under the middle between the tires and it probably just knocked it over.
Sxotty said:
I ran into my friends cat once, but it did him no harm either. Lucky cat. Of course he went under the middle between the tires and it probably just knocked it over.
Hang a bunch of fish-hooks from your bumper, that way you won't miss 'em. ;)
I ran over a dog once.
I wasn't going very fast, about 50 km/h. The dog just ran towards my car from the side of the road. I heard it dragging under my car until I noticed what happened and managed to stop.
When I went to look, I couldn't find the dog anywhere. I went to a couple of nearby houses to ask if they had a dog missing, but it was not their dog. I even called the police, but they were not interested as dogs are not allowed to run loose on residential areas.

Later that night when I went to bed, just as I had fallen asleep, I woke up and I thought I saw an angry dog at the end of my bed snarling at me.
It felt like in some Stephen King novel, I actually thought it was the ghost of the dog that came back to haunt me. I didn't sleep well that night :)
My last cat got run over when she was a kitten - It completely shattered one of her back hips, but she recovered from it and it never caused her any real trouble, she could still jump and climb with the best of them.
Thank goodness your Nibblets is a-okay..

I stared at that title for at least 1 minute, thinking the worst.
I once put my pick-up sideways into a ditch at 50mph because I couldn't stop in time to avoid hitting a dog so I trashed the pick-up to avoid hurting it.

I do NOT like to hurt animals. If I would have had time to think before doing that one again I'd probably do it differently, but my instincts took over. On a happy note the puppy was perfectly ok and the truck just got a big ding in her back left quarter panel to match the one on her right side. (I had that pick-up all thru me heaviest drinking phase, she had an awful lot of dings in her. :rolleyes: )
It's stories like these that absolutely terrify me regarding letting my own cats outdoors in any way shape or form. Ever.

Glad to hear Nibblet is ok Dave.
Natoma said:
It's stories like these that absolutely terrify me regarding letting my own cats outdoors in any way shape or form. Ever.
Mine are both "indoor only ALL the time" kitties too, I'd just worry to much about 'em!

I have recently taken an emotional leap-o-faith with a stray who has been living under my porch the last few months or so and have been feeding it every day, but I fear I'll just get hurt again. (I can't help meself, my kitties and the stray outside have too much fun stalking each other thru me 9' glass window. :rolleyes: )
If this was a news article and had some other fella in it we would all be screaming bloody murder and accusing the owner of animal creulty.

No offense, just viewing responses and comparing them to similar incidents preiously.