I don't think I'll be driving the 350Z for a bit...

epicstruggle said:
He was going 110mph!!!!!!!!
Yes I was. On an open stretch of highway with no one around in a car designed to drive safely at over 150mph. I have over 20 years of driving experience and don't really suck at it, I think I know my own abilities and safety of the vehicles I drive or I wouldn't drive them the way I do.

Gods are you a dork at time Silence, really. :rolleyes:
digitalwanderer said:
Yes I was. On an open stretch of highway with no one around in a car designed to drive safely at over 150mph. I have over 20 years of driving experience and don't really suck at it, I think I know my own abilities and safety of the vehicles I drive or I wouldn't drive them the way I do.

Now you're making excuses for your reckless, irresponsible behavior. You needlessly endangered your life, your child's life, and the lives of anyone could've possibly been involved in a accident with you. What if there was a nail or anything else on the highway that could've blown a tire? You think you'd see it in time, or even if you did notice it on the road would've had time to avoid running it over?

Ask yourself this: was there really any *good* reason to take the car up to that kind of speed with a five-year-old present?
John Reynolds said:
Now you're making excuses for your reckless, irresponsible behavior. You needlessly endangered your life, your child's life, and the lives of anyone could've possibly been involved in a accident with you.
No I did not, if I thought at all that I was doing as you suggest I wouldn't have done it.

What if there was a nail or anything else on the highway that could've blown a tire? You think you'd see it in time, or even if you did notice it on the road would've had time to avoid running it over?
If I hit a nail and it caused a massive blow-out (worst case scenerio here, I'm assuming that's what you're talking), I would have controlled the car into a safe crash....I can hit a nail and have a blow-out going 55 too. :rolleyes:

I also know the Z was not only designed to handle speed well, but it was designed to keep the occupants alive in case something goes wrong. Everything around the cockpit is a crumple zone and we were both properly seated and buckled up.

I've crashed more cars than most people will own in their lives, and I do believe I know how cars react in dangerous situations and how to deal with them.

But again, I did not feel/think EITHER of us were in any more danger than if we had been going 55mph down the highway and I still don't...I just plan to slow down so I don't lose my license. (again)
digitalwanderer said:
I've crashed more cars than most people will own in their lives, and I do believe I know how cars react in dangerous situations and how to deal with them.
AND this isnt enough reason to readjust how you drive. Next youll tell me that: " Hey ive accidentaly shot off more guns than most people have owned them. So dont tell me about gun safety."
But again, I did not feel/think EITHER of us were in any more danger than if we had been going 55mph down the highway and I still don't...I just plan to slow down so I don't lose my license. [size=](again)[/size]
You should be thinking of your daughter not your fckn license. :rolleyes:

digitalwanderer said:
I have over 20 years of driving experience and don't really suck at it, I think I know my own abilities and safety of the vehicles I drive or I wouldn't drive them the way I do.
I never ever heard someone say he is a bad driver. Never.
Everybody and their uncle will swear, honest to god, that if everybody drive like them, then there won't be such a thing as an "accident".

The problem with speed is not driving skills related, it comes from teh fact that at a fast speed, the stopping distance make any accident quasi inevitable. Speed Kills... (You know the song)

digitalwanderer said:
but he called me over and said that wasn't necessary as long as I realized I was driving like an asshole and that was no way to drive with a kid in the car.
How much leeway do they have for 'letting you go', so to speak, where you live? Around here (with a reliable speed measurement) that kind of speeding (they mostly use 40Km/h for transit roads in residential areas) would have set you back at least $2000, in addition to landing you a two weeks state sponsored wacation.
digitalwanderer said:
I also know the Z was not only designed to handle speed well, but it was designed to keep the occupants alive in case something goes wrong.
How about those outside the car that might end up under it?
I highly doubt Nissan engineers their cars to handle 100+mph impacts. Also, was your daughter in the front seat? If so, not exactly the safest place for someone that size/weight for a high-speed collision.
silence said:
digitalwanderer said:
Gods are you a dork at time Silence, really. :rolleyes:

explain..... and remember, it wasnt me who was driving.....
My most sincere apologies Silence, in my pre-coffee blur I confused you and Epic which is an unforgiveable error on my part since you two are opposite ends of the spectrum.

I'm really sorry, I did mix-up who I was posting too and you have my apologies. :oops:

Zaphod said:
How much leeway do they have for 'letting you go', so to speak, where you live? Around here (with a reliable speed measurement) that kind of speeding (they mostly use 40Km/h for transit roads in residential areas) would have set you back at least $2000, in addition to landing you a two weeks state sponsored wacation.
I got real lucky, if I would have got ticketed it probably would have been a class C criminal wrecklessness misdeamenor....and last time I got one of those they suspended my license for a decade and gave me a year suspended sentence.

How about those outside the car that might end up under it?
There was no one around, thus the "clear stretch of road" bit. ;)

Just going fast in and of itself is not necessarily dangerous is I guess the point I'm arguing, but in this situation I was wrong....yet I don't feel I put me or my daughter at any risk at any time.
John Reynolds said:
Also, was your daughter in the front seat? If so, not exactly the safest place for someone that size/weight for a high-speed collision.
Yes, she was in the frontseat John....the Z is a two seater and has no backseat. (And yes we have the passenger airbag disabled, it's safer for kids and I'm used to going thru windshields at speeds. ;) )
digitalwanderer said:
silence said:
digitalwanderer said:
Gods are you a dork at time Silence, really. :rolleyes:

explain..... and remember, it wasnt me who was driving.....
My most sincere apologies Silence, in my pre-coffee blur I confused you and Epic which is an unforgiveable error on my part since you two are opposite ends of the spectrum.

I'm really sorry, I did mix-up who I was posting too and you have my apologies. :oops:
Well since that was addressed to me:
me: drive posted speed limit
digitalwanderer: drives 110 mph with small child in car.

And im the dork? :rolleyes:
In an attempt to derail the seriousness, I'll continue the comparative posting.

I was thrown in jail about a year ago, for not stopping for a red light...

....the red light was flashing behind me....and I refused to stop.

Have you ever seen someone swallow a sneak-a-toke before?
digitalwanderer said:
epicstruggle said:
And im the dork? :rolleyes:
Yup. I can always slow down, but you'll always still be you. 8)
And one day your daughter will fly through your windshield, but at least youll still have your license. :rolleyes:

Take this opportunity to drive responsibly, think of your family.

digitalwanderer said:
silence said:
digitalwanderer said:
Gods are you a dork at time Silence, really. :rolleyes:

explain..... and remember, it wasnt me who was driving.....
My most sincere apologies Silence, in my pre-coffee blur I confused you and Epic which is an unforgiveable error on my part since you two are opposite ends of the spectrum.

I'm really sorry, I did mix-up who I was posting too and you have my apologies. :oops:

NP....but confusing me and epic?.... tsk, tsk, must be all that pr0n you watched that meshed your brain (from political forum topic).

now thats what i call science. :LOL: