I don't think I'll be driving the 350Z for a bit...


...after arriving home today with a police escort. He was a bit miffed 'cause it was hot and seemed anxious to focus his anger on my slight misjudgement of doing 60mph in a 25mph zone.

People over react so easily, I mean really. I think he would have really loved it if he'd pulled me over just a bit earlier when I was doing about 110. :rolleyes:
yes cops are arrogant pricks, but still, that's a nice speeding.

here, if you do that again (more than 50km/h excess speed, that's 31mph), and once again I think, you can end up in jail. (that's a quite recent law)

were you on one of those "urban motorways" with dumb low speed limits?

at least you didn't have your driver licence confiscated, and didn't get back home in police car :) (no, that never happened to me, and it's more for drunken drivers..)
i feel you pain...i just got 10 days of public service for speeding.... for shitty 25 km/h over the limit.....

argh...... :devilish:
Blazkowicz_ said:
yes cops are arrogant pricks, but still, that's a nice speeding.
Hey, this cop was NOT an arrogant prick! He was aggravated at a 100+ degree day and having to deal with a bunch of a-holes all day with it, he let me off and was cool to me.

I had just gotten off the highway which I was FLYING down since it was open and my 5 year old was squirming around going "I GOTTA PEE DADDY!" for the last mile and the nearest bathroom was my home so I was just going for it.

It was technically a 60 in a 25, but not really as I was de-accelerating and he knew it. I just got out of the car with my hands up and open with the keys in 'em and approached his car slowly and explained that I wasn't trying to get out of a ticket but my house was only two blocks away from where he pulled me over and my daughter REALLY had to pee so could we continue the discussion over at my place?

He took my registration and followed me to my house with his lights on, and then let me take my daughter in. (I sent her in and went to talk to him right away, but he said it was ok to help her so I did.)

Helping her took a few minutes, as did letting the puppies out and waking my wife to let her know that if I wasn't back in a half hour or so that she might just have to bail me out and she'd have to keep an eye on the kids; I came out apologizing to him as I went to my Pathfinder to try and find my wallet/license, but he called me over and said that wasn't necessary as long as I realized I was driving like an asshole and that was no way to drive with a kid in the car.

I agreed, the man was right...I gotta chill the fuck out before I kill someone or end up in jail again.

I'm sticking to my Pathfinder for a bit, when I speed in that the cops don't pull me over....but the Z feels like it has got a big old bulls-eye painted on it. :?
Here in jersey tripple digits is automatic pulling of your liscense .

Also more than 15mph over in a school zone is a pulling of your liscense
_xxx_ said:
Bad boys! You shouldn't drive too fast, hasn't your mum told you that? :p

bah, they just built highways here and made 130 km/h limit..... now they even bought fast cars that can intercept easily just for those new roads...

_xxx_ said:
Bad boys! You shouldn't drive too fast, hasn't your mum told you that? :p
More than twice, and that was just today. :rolleyes: (<--Truthful too, she really did when I went over with my daughter for a visit today...it was on the way back I got pulled over. :? )
I got a 60 quid fine for doing 39mph in a 30 zone.

Whats more, the traffic cops were parked right by an ambulance and a broken down car. It's become less about stopping speeding, and more about catching motorists going faster than an unreasonbly slow limit on a safe road to make money.
sytaylor said:
Whats more, the traffic cops were parked right by an ambulance and a broken down car. It's become less about stopping speeding, and more about catching motorists going faster than an unreasonbly slow limit on a safe road to make money.

around here cops literally wait in the bushes or behind something so they can catch you, its not about prevention, its all about getting more cash out of people.... and since they have shitty salaries, lots of that cash ends up in their pockets (i bribed them more often then i can remember... for all kinds of crazy shit, some of which didnt even happen, but hey, if they say it happen it did, so you better pay :? )
digitalwanderer said:
I agreed, the man was right...I gotta chill the fuck out before I kill someone or end up in jail again.
How about thinking of your daughter? This story is actually several times dummer than the driving drunk thread. You have a responsibility to your daughter and driving SO MUCH faster than the posted speed limit is ridiculous. If she had to pee so bad, pull over and let her do it in the bushes (if there are no stores/gas stations around).

I dunno DUMBER, but epic's right in it's certainly up there. Low speed limits exist for a very good reason, and that is so you don't crash into other cars and people and kill everybody if someone should suddenly appear in front of you.

Suppose a kid ran out into the street for whatever reason. Fetching a ball is the classic example. So digi's girl wouldn't get to go to the bathroom and that other kid would be all splattered over the Z's windshield - real smart that one. :?

Guys, remember that at a collision between a car and a pedestrian at 30km/h, 8 out of 10 survive. At 50km/h, 8 out of 10 people DIE. 60mph, that's nearly 100kmh, there's hardly any chance someone would survive that, it would take a miracle to not become an instant fatality.

That's for regular cars by the way. SUVs are much much unsafer due to the taller front (and sometimes, the metal bars people mount on them as well). People end up crushed under the car instead of on top of it. Yet another reason to ban those fuckers.
Oii!! Give the man a break. I'm sure he realised his mistake because he has said he is not gonna ride the "Z" anymore for a while.

Everyonce in a while, everyone speeds ... and don't say you both haven't epicstruggle and Guden Oden.

Unknown Soldier said:
Oii!! Give the man a break. I'm sure he realised his mistake because he has said he is not gonna ride the "Z" anymore for a while.
He shouldnt have been doing it in the first place. It shouldnt take a cop to tell you not to drive so fast with your kid in it. He was going 110mph!!!!!!!!
Everyonce in a while, everyone speeds ... and don't say you both haven't epicstruggle and Guden Oden.

I wont say that ive never speed, but i would never drive over the speed limit when i have my kids in a car. Seems like common sense, but what do i konw.

epicstruggle said:
Unknown Soldier said:
Oii!! Give the man a break. I'm sure he realised his mistake because he has said he is not gonna ride the "Z" anymore for a while.
He shouldnt have been doing it in the first place. It shouldnt take a cop to tell you not to drive so fast with your kid in it. He was going 110mph!!!!!!!!
Everyonce in a while, everyone speeds ... and don't say you both haven't epicstruggle and Guden Oden.

I wont say that ive never speed, but i would never drive over the speed limit when i have my kids in a car. Seems like common sense, but what do i konw.


law loving epic.... really heart warming....
My driving has slowed way, way down since I became a parent. I was never reckless before, just more aggressive than I am now, even when Megan's not in the car. I just figured changing my driving habits all the time meant a better chance of driving more safely when she is in the car.

I was sitting at a fairly busy intersection waiting for the light to turn green a few weeks ago. Light turns, I start pulling out, and a little old lady blows through the intersection, completely oblivious that she just ran a red light and missed me by a few feet. I catch up to her at a red light, pull up beside her, and tried getting her attention to inform her (politely) of her mistake. Her car windows were down and she couldn't hear me (or just refused to respond). F'in scary.
Unknown Soldier said:
Everyonce in a while, everyone speeds ... and don't say you both haven't epicstruggle and Guden Oden.
I don't know if "speeding" quite covers it when going 60mph on city streets. That's more maniac madman territory actually. :p