How the Mighty Have Fallen


Mostly Harmless
Anybody besides me notice that four full days after X1000 family release, and there is not one word of their own analysis on it at

That would have been unthinkable not so long ago. Did they have anyone at Ibiza?

It seems to me that as their focus has broadened over the years they've slowly faded into irrelevance as an opinion-maker. I wonder if [H] has just put their feet on that path as well. . .
Do you mean, no one cares about their review? I don't think that's much of a surprise, given the holes they've been digging themselves into lately. Lars seemingly salvaged a little of their dignity, but he's trucked off to greener pastures. I don't think it has much to do with their focus broadening, but more with stunts like the flaming Athlon video or the fake P4 review, as well as their handling of the NV3x fiasco.
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Toms review was only a day late. Tomshardware also mentioned that they wouldnt be rushing reviews out in a past article. But who knows if they're still sticking to their guns on that.
Fodder said:
Lars seemingly salvaged a little of their dignity, but he's trucked off to greener pastures.
You mean redder pastures I presume? Unless you're talking green, as in cash, not as in nVidia or grass? Also, while I can't fault the quality of his writing by itself, associating dignity with the guy who crowned the NV30 the king of video cards hardly seems all that appropriate. I wonder exactly what ATI would want him for?
I think its good someone was brave enough to call it a king, when indeed it won most of the benchmarks. In conclusion he also sums up negatives and overall I do not feel like he recommend purchasing 5800, unless you like a monstercard and that is IMO OK.
Sonofagun. I swear I looked for it several times. :oops: "Two IM cameras" is still being pimped as the recent article in Graphics & Displays on the front page.
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Just about twice it's nearest competitor in terms of uniques/month IIRC, and that's just on the .com portal.
John Reynolds said:
I hate to tell you guys, but in terms of traffic that site is still the #1 hardware site by far.

Which is absolute proof that quantity and quality are never to be confused...;)
John Reynolds said:
I hate to tell you guys, but in terms of traffic that site is still the #1 hardware site by far.

Yeah, and now it's a mile wide and an inch deep. I stick by the idea that it is no longer nearly the opinion maker that it used to be, on core issues like GPU and CPU (call me old-fashioned, but that's still where its at as far as I'm concerned).
Fodder said:
Do you mean, no one cares about their review? I don't think that's much of a surprise, given the holes they've been digging themselves into lately. Lars seemingly salvaged a little of their dignity, but he's trucked off to greener pastures. I don't think it has much to do with their focus broadening, but more with stunts like the flaming Athlon video or the fake P4 review, as well as their handling of the NV3x fiasco.

I remember reading a comment by Lars at one point long ago in which he stated he thought the premise of attempting to validate the particulars in a given story before publishing it was absurd. Heh...;) That's a formula guaranteed to make you little more than the "King of Oooops...!", so I certainly am not surprised that they don't comment on their own multitudinous errors. I haven't found the need to pull up THG in literally years as there are so many better places to go these days.
John Reynolds said:
I hate to tell you guys, but in terms of traffic that site is still the #1 hardware site by far.
Yeah, but I'm starting to wonder how many of those hits are regulars and how many are trainwreck watchers... ;)
Which site is 2nd hits-wise if Tom's is 1st? Anandtech?

I've not visited Tom's more than a handful times these past couple years. I can't even distinctly remember the last, it's that long ago. Is Pabst even still in control of it?
digitalwanderer said:
Yeah, but I'm starting to wonder how many of those hits are regulars and how many are trainwreck watchers... ;)

TH has been on my trainwreck list since '98 era. AT was added a bit later around '99. H was added to that list in '04.
digitalwanderer said:
Yeah, but I'm starting to wonder how many of those hits are regulars and how many are trainwreck watchers... ;)

Well.. I did like the Audio comparison of the "that which name shall not be mentioned" and the 9700Pro.

But then again, I did'n't know anything about videocards back then.. SharkyExtreme was my team back then..
geo said:
Sonofagun. I swear I looked for it several times. :oops: "Two IM cameras" is still being pimped as the recent article in Graphics & Displays on the front page.

Your browser is probably configured to "automatically" decide to check when it's page cache is out of date, it decided the cache wasn't even though it was, and thus you didn't see the latest content.

Which is why Automatic mode sucks ass.
Guden Oden said:
Which site is 2nd hits-wise if Tom's is 1st? Anandtech?

I've not visited Tom's more than a handful times these past couple years. I can't even distinctly remember the last, it's that long ago. Is Pabst even still in control of it?
Yeah, Anandtech.
I'm willing to bet most of those hits come from reviews of products that don't get reviewed anywhere else. I could be wrong, but TH often shows up on google if you type in a slightly obscure product name.

I read a bit of the review and it seemed to have a bit too much opinion for the number of facts, otherwise it seemed quite fair. I havn't fully trusted TH though since some of their P4 benchmarks seemed to be completey out of sync with a number of other sites.