How old are you?

Guden Oden said:
When you people state your age, say, 22, and then go on say 23 next november, why state 23 next november? So we won't get confuzzled and think you'll turn 25 or something? :D

No, I said it to let you know when I'll turn 23.
Will be 24 in July.

As for the theory posted earlier... I'm not totally sure. I think the idea is right (time *does* seem to go by faster when you are older), but I'm not sure that it's due to it being a smaller percent of your total time. I remember the most boring and long drawn out parts of my childhood were when I had no control over what was happening and I was just bored. Friends were all busy, nothing interesting (atleast at my age) to watch on TV, and raining outside or something. I think perhaps that as we become older, there are so many more things to hold our attention that we never really become all that bored anymore. Certainly I still get bored sometimes, but I don't think it was to the extent I did when I was a child. If we relive that boredom (or perhaps another situation might be pain) all of a sudden time moves very slowly again. Just the other night, I had a terrible fever and the a pounding headache due to the flu (or something). Time moved very very slowly as I was trying to sleep but couldn't due to the pain. It seems to support the arguement.

Maybe we should add this to the profile info ? 8)

Reaching the mature age of 28 on august 16th...

36 . perhaps the thread should stay a 'sticky' coz us 'oldies' keep seeing the thread every 6 months or so . . ;)

Natoma said:
26. 27 on July 23rd. :)

Friend of mine gets married on the 23rd, its my step brothers birthday on the 27th and a good mates birthday on the 25th. July is gonna be an expensive month!!

Good news is i turn 20 on the 16th of July, hoping for some donations to the bank account.
John Reynolds said:
I don't even want to admit this, but I'm 39 and turn 40 this November.

Do I win the B3D geezer crown?
You beat me.. but not by all that much.
nutball said:
Yeah, but people get older, so those threads get out-of-date :)
Ahh it's simple to adjust:
Age_now = Today's Date - Date_of_old_thread + 
                Posted_Age_in_old_thread +
                Number_of_sleepless_nights_due_to_child * sleep_factor + 
                units_of_alcohol * Alcohol_factor;
Piece of cake.