How long to bin laden is caught/killed?

I don't think finding Saddam will increase the likelyhood of finding Usama. So my bets are on that he won't be found very soon, alternatively he's already dead.
Humus said:
I don't think finding Saddam will increase the likelyhood of finding Usama.
I find it strange that a number of people in the media seem to suggest that there is a synergy between capturing the two.
The difference between Hussein and Osama, is that Osama has genuine support. I seriously doubt Osama needs to carry around $750,000 to bribe loyal friends. If we are to believe that Hussein was snitched out by relatives, and we have no reason not to, we do not have the same luxury when it comes to Osama.

We haven't heard a tape from him lately...
Willmeister said:
If we are to believe that Hussein was snitched out by relatives, and we have no reason not to, we do not have the same luxury when it comes to Osama.
From everything I've read, Saddam's location was revealed in interrogations of people in custody, not from the theory that his 2nd wife outted him.
ByteMe said:
Natoma said:

We could have had Osama had we sent in enough troops in 2001 to contain Al-Qaeda's escape routes. We only used about 15,000 troops I believe, roughly 1/10th the amount we have in Iraq now. One reason we found Saddam so fast is because he had no place to flee. The same could have been said for Osama after we bombed his facilities and forced him into the hinterlands.

Frankly I'd have rather had Osama caught than Saddam. And who cares about the damn polls ByteMe. That man orchestrated the attacks that killed 3000 people in this country. Fuck the polls.

I agree that catching that bastard is more important than the polls. The problem is Natoma, if we had sent in 100,000 troops.. you would be screaming that we are taking over the country and should get out. People get upset anyway we do it.

What? I would be screaming that we're taking over the country and should get out? I think you're confusing me with someone else like Dennis Kucinich. I've said since day 1 we should have had more troops in Afghanistan to effectively corral Al-Qaeda when we had the chance, and certainly more troops in Iraq when we could have really put our foot down and kept the peace in a far more effective manner than we currently have done.

And of course my oft-repeated "we can't afford to fail at this" that seems to have flown right past your head.