it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant most women are of what men *really* think about them. if only you could be treated as just another guy for one day then you would NEVER date one again
it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant most women are of what men *really* think about them. if only you could be treated as just another guy for one day then you would NEVER date one again
Women certainly have the last laugh though...because if men knew what women REALLY "needed" from us in terms of a relationship, we would never enter into them.
Women certainly have the last laugh though...because if men knew what women REALLY "needed" from us in terms of a relationship, we would never enter into them.
it never ceases to amaze me how ignorant most women are of what men *really* think about them. if only you could be treated as just another guy for one day then you would NEVER date one again