darkblu said:year 2000 was the last year of the past millennium. because years count started from 1AD, not 0AD. so the year number is actually an index, 1st year, 2nd year, etc, etc, 2000th year - the last index of the 2nd millennium.
That is not actually always true. The counting of 0 or not count of 0 is a tricky issue in ancient chronology (a lot of my academic studies have been focused on BCE history). The Gregorian calendar may have "started" at 1AD when created, but when other chronologists back filled data did they go from 1 BCE to 1 CE or did they add the 0 year? There are a lot of counting problems with this system when trying to align reignal years to a new arbitrary system based on the (wrong!) birthdate of a historical figure and frequently disparities of 1 year are caused by the various treatments of the 0 year by later historians.
As for the millenium proper or popular, I will defer to Wiki and the entire debate although I personally don't know anyone who celebrated 2001 as the beginning of the new millenium. If you have hard feelings one way or another I can conceed the 2000 year.
So let me ask: What is the motivation for disregarding the PS2 within the context of discussing texture filtering on 2nd generation 3D Consoles? There is no reason not to include it in such a comparison, specifically because it does tell us about what is acceptible as standard on consoles.
On Topic: And no, the Xbox 360 does not have worse filtering issues compared to the GCN. Like I said, I cannot say much for all the Xbox1 titles, but the MP ones I have played were pretty nasty. Of the half dozen 360 titles I have played I cannot say any were worse than my GCN's best games. I am sure there are exceptions on both extremes (360's worse, GCN's best), but saying:
"none of them come close" to having as many texture filtering IQ issues as the 360 is pretty laughable. Maybe others don't have their old consoles hooked up, but I have my GCN on a CRT and run it in Progressive Scan. Of course what else can I say? Besides going through a library of 500 games and screenshots to "prove" there is an issue? Based on post history I can say right now that is a losing battle. But most would agree last gens consoles had some poor texture IQ.
Not that I am defending the lack of AF or low levels of AF on many 360 titles. It is lame and AF adds a LARGE level of quality to an image. As the PC is my primary platform for gaming I quite love my AF and the R5x0 series HQ AF is a big selling point to me on the PC end of things. Yet it has been pointed out not every bad shot has been a texture issue, and ERP has said he has not heard of any issues with Xenos AF. Some games use it well, and some do not. So the continued push to blame the hardware seems premature as I stated before.