Hexus Interviews Sapphire CEO


Mostly Harmless
First time I've seen anyone this closely associated with ATI point, on the record, straight at XB360 development resource draining for any of ATI's problems on the PC side in the last year. Sure, we've speculated on it quite heavily at times, but the CEO of Sapphire saying it in public gives it even more weight.

We all know that ATI has struggled recently in certain parts of the market. But I believe changes at ATI will make things better. ATI put a lot of work into development for the Xbox 360. This may have been a good project to undertake in the long-term, but it has hurt it in other areas, due to the fact they've had to redistribute resources.

There that, and then there's Sapphire considering being a dual-IHV AIB parter. Would ATI enjoy their biggest partner selling the competitor's products too?
Rys said:
There that, and then there's Sapphire considering being a dual-IHV AIB parter. Would ATI enjoy their biggest partner selling the competitor's products too?

Maybe ATI could swing a deal with BFG. :devilish:
Lonely Silicon Hearts said:
Damsel in distress keen to experiment. Upwardly mobile, experienced Asian spouse with penchant for red lingerie, hot multi-gpu action, high margins and wild channel parties, as well as seizing the means of volume production seeks strong, aggressive IHV (preferably green) with heaps of cash and massive ego for orgasmic fling, possibly leading to longer term relationship.
Prepared to travel and maintain pretense in current stale relationship. Will seek separation if prospective partner presses the right buttons and provides excessive financial rewards.

Interested parties should send their latest roadmap, projected unit ramp for FY2007 and a shot of their largest part to deprived_red_mistress@red-gpu-aib.com

P.S. No time-wasters, please! (That includes you, S3)

More seriously, if Sapphire was feeling pangs of loneliness before the R520 delay as per Dave's comment above, presumably the desire not to rely on a single supplier for continued growth -- a valid concern -- has likely increased since the "tardy" R520 rollout and converse G7x (G70 in particular) AIB merriment.

However, one gets the impression (anecdotally of course) that ATI AIB's and presumably Sapphire in particular, shifted boatloads of R4xx cards last year, especially X800GT/GTO/GTO2/etc with ATI seemingly taking the bullet via their inventory writedown, although the thought of possibly juicier G70 margins for NV AIB's in the vacuum of no-show R520 must have rankled; sigificantly for large team players like Sapphire. Perhaps this public grumbling is simply Sapphire putting pressure on ATI for a better deal?

It's interesting that, if I recall correctly, a number of NV-only AIB's (Asus? Gigabyte? Palit? others?) clamoured for dual-IHV rights (in this case jumping in with ATI) in the wake of NV3x and got them, which appeared to yield a period of stability (save for the loss to ATI of respected "we used to sell nVIDIA, but never again" Hercules, reorganisation of Pine-->XFX and emergence of BFG from the ashes of VisionTek) in AIB-land. The inference that R520 is comparable to NV30 is obviously not justified, except in the sense that R520's material delay like NV30's delay (and piss-poor performance) marginalised ATI-only AIB's for some time and could be a factor in a possible Sapphire/nVIDIA partnership.

The post-R520 affairs already appear to be underway with the all-swinging Club3D (ATI/S3/XGI -- gotta love those crazy Dutch! :D) joining the NV stable. Sapphire going green while still producing a considerable portion of ATI product would likely be a major nVIDIA coup. Again, perhaps this infatuation will be shortlived -- Vista uptake, R6xx, Sapphire CE stuff, etc could swing them back into line. As geo often reminds us, "it's all swings and roundabouts" -- Orton has to be hoping that there's less swinging in future, unless it's to ATI. :smile:
Last time I talked to Sapphire the board they yearned after most was, get this, 9250! Evidently they can sell them by the truck load. However, there has been a shortage of them for a long time - with substrate being in tight capacity for much of last year obviously ATI prioritised their higher margin parts over the lower marging, hence 9250 product has been constrained for a long time.
Bear in mind that 9250 is the very bottom of the stack and that just about every other part is going to be higher margin!
Dave Baumann said:
Last time I talked to Sapphire the board they yearned after most was, get this, 9250!
That's pretty hectic inventory retention. Indeed a popular UK "enthusiast" e-tailor stocks the 9250 and even better, the mighty Radeon 7000!

I had to analyse nVIDIA's SEC Form 10-K Annual Report for FY2000 (released around March/April 2001 IIRC, after the GeForce3 launch) for a school business assignment and recall coming away with the impression that the M64 was a significant volume seller then and as a cursory search of the NV site suggests, still a viable proposition into 2004 and possibly beyond.
Why did Dave have to talk about the 9250... Really, why?

HEXUS: So you mean you might go "green"?
KD: I am not saying that directly but a lot of our customers, OEMs and retailers, have asked for both NVIDIA and ATI SKUs. Think of it like this, there are two types of people who will want a German car, some go for BMW, some go for Mercedes - the best thing to do is make sure both are covered. When the time is right, we may do it.
Anyway, and more seriously, if Sapphire starts selling green products (that are not vegetables) that should be considered as a warning for Ati.

But what would that mean, in the end?
That Ati was not agressive enough, be it with its relation with the AIBs or with it GPU schedules?
Or that the AIBs, as they grown in size, start considering that remaining exclusive to one IHV is not in their best interest?
Vysez said:
Why did Dave have to talk about the 9250... Really, why?

Anyway, and more seriously, if Sapphire starts selling green products (that are not vegetables) that should be considered as a warning for Ati.

But what would that mean, in the end?
That Ati was not agressive enough, be it with its relation with the AIBs or with it GPU schedules?
Or that the AIBs, as they grown in size, start considering that remaining exclusive to one IHV is not in their best interest?

Probably means that Sapphire is growing fast on the back of their special relationship with ATI. Now they want a bigger slice of the cake, and the easiest way to do that is to start selling product from the only other 900lb gorilla on the block.

However, it could work against them if it ends up with ATI moving part, or even all of their special relationship to another company. When the day comes that Sapphire tells ATI that they can't make enough ATI cards because half their manufacturing lines are being used for Nvidia products, ATI will go elsewhere.
Vysez said:
Why did Dave have to talk about the 9250... Really, why?

Still having post traumatic stress syndrome from your sojourn in bottom-feeder land, Vy? Do we need a group hug in here? ;)
Don't diss RV280. That single vertex shader, PS1.4 fragment hardware and no multisample AA will kick your ass!