Help with new videocard!


hi guys,

hope u have had a good christmas. The time has come to update my graphics card as my HD 2900 pro is begining to struggle with driving my two monitors (one 18 inch 1024 by 1280 and the other 24 inch 1900 by 1200) i have narrowed it down to the follwoing options:

1.) ati radeon 5770 good for the money, supports dx11.
2.) ati radeon 4890 slightly more expensive than the above but better to run games but no dx11.
3.) nvidia gtx 260 good for the money, cuda support.
4.) nividia gtx 260 1792, extra memory could be handy for course work (porgramming project this term!) also good for playing games.

I have a budget of £150 and i will be getting the card on the 11th and want to game at 1900 by 1200!if any one has any ideas or knows of deal on other cards please let me know here is the rest of my system
cpu - core2quad q6600
ram - 8gb
600w power supply
running win 7 x64

thanks in advance, and happy new year in case i get too drunk to be by my pc on near years eve!
That's a tough one... All of those cards are great cards, although I'd say the 5770 is a little over-priced for the performance it delivers, although certainly not for its features.

If you intend to program for the GPU you probably don't want to go with the 4890 due to its poor OpenCL performance as documented recently (I saw this at techreport but the report originated elsewhere).

I'd say go for the vanilla 260. The extra memory is unlikely to help unless you intend upon working with some rather large data sets, and certainly won't help for games.
thanks for the responces so far, darvos its more like a simple cuda or dx11 demo lol and i was also looking for a 275 (i'd go upto £170 for one) and scan hadsome but they sold out in november and havent had any more in stock. i kinda wish that i had sold my 360 to get a 5850 when they were £200-ish like a fool i thought they would come down in cost :oops:

wish i could pay U.S. prices and to make things harder the card should have a hdmi output!
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Thanks i now need to wait till the 11th of jan i hope they dont sell out, also going to keep my fingers to see if a 5850 shows up at less than £210, i may have some extra cash as the new trainers (kicks) that wanted have sold out in my size.....

if anyone hears of a 5850 of less than £210 or any other good deals please post!
thanks im kinda of glad that i sold my xbox now! but need to find some pc games other than Crysis (which i have) lol, think i may get shift tommorw or mabie see if i can see any cheap deals on line for crysis wars, nfs shift and pro evo!
No problem going to head into town later to see if i can see it (far cry) still not sure what to do with my old card, gift it to someone or trade it for something at CEX?

also mirrors edge is very nice looking at full settings!!!!
fonud far cry will but i have an exam this week so will post screens at the weekend would you like a fraps movie?