help, what is temp1?

GIGABYTE 965p-DQ6 motherboard and intel C2D processor.

speedfan reports temp1 is 57c and temp2 is 22c. I think temp2 is the CPU, I'm using a zalman 9500 heatsink and it's barely warm. actually everything in the compy (except the video card) is barely warm. including all the heatsinks and chips on the motherboard. so what is that temp1 57c? the chipset? 57c should be blistering hot, or atleast too hot to touch, but nothing seems to be anywhere near that hot. help?
Temp 1 is the CPU internal temp, the Temp 2 is the motherboard ambient temp.
The Core 2 Duo is not as cool as you think it is, Temp1 is probably your CPU. Download Intel Thermal Analysis Tool to find out for sure, you can also stress the CPU to see what it is at load.
now I'm thinking it's a problem with speedfan. I downloaded the TAT (!?) and it says both my cores are at 39c. when I do the stress test the temps goto 57c in TAT, and speedfan still reports 57c for temp1 and temp2 goes to 45c from 22c at idle. weird.

aren't these programs all reading the same data from the same sensors?
Depending on your version of Speedfan, and even then, it is well known that only a few programs read the Core 2 Duo temperatures right. TAT is one that does. A bit confusing but you shouldn't worry, your temperatures are right where they should be really.