

Anyone playing this? I've been playing casually for a year or so now and still haven't needed to spend any money on it, though the urge to splurge has been building up recently. :)

I'm loving the new Tavern Brawl mode they've included. Every week there is a game available with new custom rules. Tons of fun.

In the last few days I built a Patron Warrior deck which has been called "The most difficult deck there has ever been in Hearthstone" by a pro player (Trump, for those curious). From my noob point of view I have to agree this is the most challenging deck I've tried, but that difficulty has really increased the fun I get out of the game. For the first time I'm really having to pay attention to what other decks are running and the counters I'm likely to face. It's so fragile and you really have to make tough decisions, such as using combo pieces too early just to survive or get board control. When you pull off a good combo it is simply glorious and in the right hands it can seem unstoppable and overpowered.

I'm not a particularly good player. I got to rank 15 with a Rogue deck I came up with myself. As I'm still learning this Patron Warrior deck I've only managed to get to rank 17 with it so far. The other day I recorded my best Arena run with eight games and no losses, before I lost three straight games. It was the first time I used an online tool, heartharena to build the deck for me from the options given. Obviously made a difference as my usual arena run nets me just two wins.

I originally fired up Hearthstone on a whim, thinking I probably wouldn't enjoy it. The tutorials were fine and got me into the mechanics well enough. Still I felt I wouldn't get lasting enjoyment out of it due to past experience with a Magic the Gathering game I bought on Steam. Turns out I was wrong. I had no idea I would enjoy building decks and tweaking them after going on losing streaks.
If anyone cares, get on the latest Tavern Brawl nao! It won't be there after tonight. I just had the greatest game of hearthstone I've ever played in it. Lasted over an hour with multiple deathwings and other even crazier shenanigans. It actually ended in a draw. The game just decided it had had enough when our decks got to >50 cards. :runaway: