HD-DVD-R getting more press

Ty said:
PC-Engine said:
Memory Tech has already said they're confident it will not be a problem. ;)

So how is what Memory Tech says not "pure BS" as you claimed the other PR from Sony or whoever was?

Maybe because they've actually delivered what they promised so far? They have a very good track record in following up PR statements with real working production evidence.
PC-Engine said:
Maybe because they've actually delivered what they promised so far? They have a very good track record in following up PR statements with real working production evidence.

Fair enough if what you've said is true. I've always used historical patterns for some weight in determining the validity of a prediction.
Oh its new news koldkuzion. But what should we have expected. It might turn out better for Sony this way in the end who knows.
kinda new news , they already talked about the talks breaking down, i guess this was the next thing
Toshiba said the new technology, developed jointly with Mitsubishi Kagaku Media Co. and Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratories Inc., will enable the manufacture of single-recording HD-DVD disks with 15-gigabyte storage capacity.
No mention of costs or a potential release date?

Anybody actually expecting recordable media (RW or R) to be available with the first wave of HD DVD players?