HD-DVD Launch Set Back


Sounds like HD-DVD Movie release schedule is set back and some technical issues are in the picture. Wonder if that AACS thing is bitting both HD-DVD and Blu-ray?

A blurry picture for HD-DVD as launch nears

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - The much-ballyhooed launch this month of the next-generation HD-DVD format promises to be more of a whimper than a bang.

Warner Home Video, the only studio that in January had set a firm date, March 28, for its first high-definition DVD titles to arrive in stores, now says it might not be ready in time because of technical problems.

"To be honest, the outlook is tenuous -- we're still coming out with an initial slate, but we may be a week or two later; we just don't know," division president Ron Sanders said.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060314/tc_nm/film_hddvd_dc

If you've already pre-ordered some HD-DVD videos for that HD-DVD player that you also pre-ordered, you may end up getting the deck before you get the flicks. Warner Home Video -- the only studio that had set a firm date for a rollout of HD-DVD movies -- has now backed off and won't commit to a specific timetable. The company had originally planned to launch a slate of films including "Batman Begins" and "Million Dollar Baby" on March 28, and had even allowed major retailers such as Wal-Mart and Best Buy to take pre-orders. However, division head Ron Sanders now says "the outlook is tenuous -- we're still coming out with an initial slate, but we may be a week or two later; we just don't know." That can't be good news for Toshiba, which has been promoting its new HD-DVD players with a national roadshow, and still plans to have players in stores by the end of the month -- whether or not there's anything to watch on them.

Source: Engadget.com
...Thanks for the news but it's a bit in the wrong forum, hopefully this will be moved to the correct part of the boards.
london-boy said:
...Thanks for the news but it's a bit in the wrong forum, hopefully this will be moved to the correct part of the boards.

Wasn't to sure were to post the news but figured that the AACS issue may be effecting the the PS3 delay and the HD-DVD set back....
Good thing MS didn't bank on either HD-DVD or Blu-Ray for the 360, seems they were smart about it while sony is paying the price for their risk.
Mythos said:
Wasn't to sure were to post the news but figured that the AACS issue may be effecting the the PS3 delay and the HD-DVD set back....

I apologise, i only just read the PS3 delay thread just now. In light of that, yeah this is kinda relevant. :)
I don't follow how any connection could be drawn between a delay on HD-DVD media and PS3 hardware. Am I missing something?
kyleb said:
I don't follow how any connection could be drawn between a delay on HD-DVD media and PS3 hardware. Am I missing something?

Both delays are being linked to security issues common to both HD/Blue to prevent us from making coppies ACSS, ACCs, or something like that...
kyleb said:
I don't follow how any connection could be drawn between a delay on HD-DVD media and PS3 hardware. Am I missing something?

The supposed reason would be AACS finalization. The "November PS3 launch" blaming it on BR finalization (assuming AACS) would only confirm this. If BR is having AACS finalization issues, then it would make sense that HD-DVD is... and here is a source hinting at an HD-DVD delay.

Just some puzzle pieces falling into place. Not hard evidence, but some solid implications that AACS is causing some problems.
And it is a delay on the media, the article implies that the players will be showing up on time. So again, I don't see how anyone here is drawing a connection between this and the PS3.
Since were on the AACS topic...some news...

Sony decides against downsampling on analog HDTV

3/14/2006 11:15:28 AM, by Eric Bangeman

With the imminent war over which format will be the successor to the much-loved DVD about to get underway, Sony is throwing a bone to owners of some older HDTVs. At a technical briefing last week, Sony said that it will not use the Image Constraint Token to downsample the video output on analog HDTVs.

The Image Constraint Token is part of the AACS (Advanced Access Content System) used in both next-generation optical formats. A couple of months ago, we reported that ICT would be used in both Blu-ray and HD DVD to downsample video from its 1920x1080 glory to a relatively crufty 960x540 if the player detected that it was hooked up to an analog HD display or any other display lacking an HDMI input. We also noted that use of ICT would be left up to the individual studios, rather than being made a mandatory part of the AACS spec.

Source: http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060314-6377.html
You can open account in Netflix for HD-DVD rental from now. But HD DVD movies are not out yet, apparently.
Netflix has added support to rent HD DVDs to their system today. You can access the setup from under Your Account. From there you can enable HD DVD movies, which will add a new column to your Queue entitled Format. Under format, you’ll find DVD and HD-DVD now. Blu-ray will be added later this year.

Warner Home Video (WHV), which distributes the largest film library of any studio, announced today that it will launch its first HD DVD titles on April 18.
The three initial movies will be Clint Eastwood's four-time Academy Award winning, Best Picture of 2004, "Million Dollar Baby"; "The Last Samurai" starring Tom Cruise and "The Phantom of the Opera," Joel Schumacher's vibrant movie adaptation of Broadway's longest running show. Each of these titles will be available for $28.99 SRP.

17 additional titles will be released in the coming weeks including "Batman Begins," "Constantine," "Training Day" and "The Matrix."

Hehe, HD-DVD hardware is on track while it's movies are coming late, OTOH Blu-Ray movies are coming on time, hardware is not on track.

Most would have expected it to be the other way around!
avaya said:
Hehe, HD-DVD hardware is on track while it's movies are coming late, OTOH Blu-Ray movies are coming on time, hardware is not on track.

Most would have expected it to be the other way around!

Try again.....

Toshiba Delays HD-DVD hardware release.

Check it....

Toshiba Delays HD DVD Launch One Month
By: César A. Berardini - "Cesar"
Mar. 23rd, 2006 8:17 am

Last week, we reported Warner Bros' decision to release only three HD DVD titles, "Million Dollar Baby"; "The Last Samurai" and "The Phantom of the Opera," instead of the twenty titles originally planned for HD DVD launch. WB also announced at that time it will release these three movies on April 18.

Toshiba originally planned to roll out the first HD DVD players on mid March but due to the lack of movie titles, the creator of the HD DVD format has decided now to release its upcoming HD-A1 and HD-XA1 players in April.

"We're not saying exactly when," said Jodi Sally, vp digital A/V marketing at Toshiba. "We are ready to ship, but we feel it's really best for the launch of HD DVD that we synchronize our hardware with our software at retail."

Toshiba avoided mentioning Warner Bros' decision to release its first HD DVD titles on April as the cause of the delay and instead preferred to issue a pr-friendly statement:

"Toshiba is currently working with major studios and major retailers to finalize sales dates of our players," the company stated. "In order to ensure maximum launch of HD DVD, we intend to synchronize launch of players with title releases from Hollywood studios."

Source: teamxbox.com
swanlee said:
seems they were smart about it while sony is paying the price for their risk.
Perhaps you don't realize sony's decision was made for the long haul. They've spoken about keeping PS3 alive for a decade, you think a few months initially will make the least bit of difference over such a timespan:?: