Happy New Years


And to you! I'm getting all "It's a Wonderful Life!"ed suddenly since midnight thinking about how I really shouldn't be around for this year and how bloody good it feels to be around anyways and I can expect to be for some time to come and how much life just feels like the grandest f-ing gift in the world and this year and all the ones to follow it for me are a complete bonus and a joy! :D

Yeah, it's a Happy New Year! 8)

And no I ain't had a drop to drink for years, I'm truly just pumped up high on life!
digitalwanderer said:
And to you! I'm getting all "It's a Wonderful Life!"ed suddenly since midnight thinking about how I really shouldn't be around for this year and how bloody good it feels to be around anyways and I can expect to be for some time to come and how much life just feels like the grandest f-ing gift in the world and this year and all the ones to follow it for me are a complete bonus and a joy! :D

Yeah, it's a Happy New Year! 8)

And no I ain't had a drop to drink for years, I'm truly just pumped up high on life!

Please take your prozac.
ByteMe said:
Please take your prozac.
Paxil, not prozac...and I keep up with all me meds now. :)

I still got another 12 minutes before me evening dosing, (Pravachol and Protonix....strangely enough all five meds I'm currently on all start with "P". :| ), but thanks for the reminder ByteMe. :D

Nope, I'm still a buzzing. My wife just got home and I had just pulled a meatloaf from the oven as she drove up and we just demolished it, now we're taking a quick break before putting the kids to bed.

Life is just fantastically wonderful and I'm disgustingly happy, sorry. 8)