Happy 47th Birthday John Reynolds!!!


Congrats on hitting 47 today, only 3 more to the big 50 mark!
holy christ that guys old enough to be my grandpa!
jk.. my dad is 60.
47 hmm.
There's a 37 year old dude who's a mix of indian and mexican and he doesn't look old at all...
Happy Birthday JR, you glorious beacon of light, you!
A few corrections. I turn 41 and my birthday isn't until the 14th. Let this be a lesson to you all for listening to our resident stoner. And they try to say pot is harmless. :devilish:

But thx for the well wishes. :p
John Reynolds said:
A few corrections. I turn 41 and my birthday isn't until the 14th. Let this be a lesson to you all for listening to our resident stoner. And they try to say pot is harmless. :devilish:

But thx for the well wishes. :p

John Reynolds said:
A few corrections. I turn 41 and my birthday isn't until the 14th. Let this be a lesson to you all for listening to our resident stoner. And they try to say pot is harmless. :devilish:

But thx for the well wishes. :p
it even says your age in your profile!
Well, happy b-day early then. Someone mentioned that Glorious Beacon thing to me recently and for a long moment I'd thot they'd flipped their lid. But then I figured it out and felt disappointed that I'd completely missed the "just really nice" stage. :smile:
Happy birthday John Reynolds.

PS. And is it really 41 and not 47 or 35? I am sure that nobody cares either way about the number, but if this is a juicy moment of denial I think the crows will come a-peckin! heh ;)

In the pictures I have seen of you, you look very fresh and well preserved (pardon me speaking about you as if I found you in the vegetable section). If I were you I would lie about my age and up the number a bit. "Yeah, I'm a hundred and two. I work out... ;) "

Stay young!
Good job and making it that long with the way u look ... wow i would have thought someone would put u down and out of your misery along time ago
jvd said:
Good job and making it that long with the way u look ... wow i would have thought someone would put u down and out of your misery along time ago

How cruel. But I had a very protective mother.