Halo2 confirmed for Fall 2004!

Halo was so good because it made you feel like you'd been dropped down into the middle of a war that was actually unfolding in real-time around you. No cinematic, take-the-control-out-of-your-hands CG watching. Just a pure sense of free will to influence the battle any way you saw fit.

Freedom means lots of unscripted scenarios, like having to avoid the wreckage of the falling airship you've just shot down or getting to pick your battles and turn the tide in ally AI vs enemy AI skirmishes. The game just always felt like it had a lot going on, and that you were actually interacting with a living, unfolding war story.
Things that have been done with more success in other games.

I will say something to credit the maps in Halo.. you don't see gigantic outdoor areas that work in many FPS's.
Halo actually reminded me of the original Unreal, taken to the next level. I wish Unreal 2 had been that good :/
Things that have been done with more success in other games.
Well, I think Halo was so acclaimed both for creating the feel of free will in a living war, and also for executing with so much depth in the way the physics system worked extensively with the variety of grenades, weapons and vehicles. All brought to life in the amazing outdoor maps, like you said.
nobie said:
Halo actually reminded me of the original Unreal, taken to the next level. I wish Unreal 2 had been that good :/


IMO, both Unreals are stinking pieces of sh!te. Painted nice on the surface, sure, but sh!te all the same.

They're both unoriginal, both have stupid weapons and rediculous enemies (skaarj dodge sniper round bullets for crying out loud!), and have bad, boring, annoying level design. The follow-up also has painfully slow level loads. Actually, I think tape games on the old C64 loaded faster.
Your going to knock Unreals enemies? in a Halo thread.. in playing Halo I had to stop and wonder If I was playing a game or watching another Gremlins Sequel.. Unreals Enemies were intense, Halos were goofy critters straight out of a disney flick.
What I meant was, I wish Unreal 2 was as good as Halo. IMO the graphics were better, but the game was just horrible.
The only "funny" characters in halo were the little aliens that got thier butts kicked on a regular basis, and the popcorn aliens. If you could even call the popcorn aliens funny. The rest of the characters in halo were far cooler then any of the aliens in unreal. The aliens in unreal had zero personality.
I agree with Qroach. Everything in Halo1 is just so involving. Be hoping Halo2 does that and more, im sure it will. :)
I bought the german version of Halo yesterday....by mistake. I wanted the english version but now I've got German dubs. Stupid 2nd hand shop. :LOL:
Somehow Halo never got to the point of involving me as much as it did other people... And if a FPS doesn't get involving in the first hour or so, then it becomes rather boring...

Half Life was a game that kept you hooked, Halo just didn't do it for me. The fact that everyone had been hyping it for ages before i actually got to play it didn't help, i suppose...

Also, i just couldn't get over the framerate, horrible at times for such a high-rated game, the stupid "art" (if that's what you call it) and the blurriness, and i kept thinking "F'ING EURO RULES, HOW COULD THEY CUT PRO-SCAN FROM EURO MATERIAL, BASTARDS" so i'd just get pissed off and stop playing...
Halo = Greatest Game of All Time, IMO. I've played it for roughly 200 hours, which is the most I've played any console game. Seven of my friends bought an Xbox just to play Halo. It's the 7th highest rated game of all time at Gamerankings.com.

No game is for everyone: After all, only one in 3.5 Xbox owners even owns Halo, but Halo probably has the highest attach rate of any non-bundled game in console history.

The release of Halo 2 will have a drastic effect on my social life. :(
Clashman just in case you didn't know that second shot was from the early PC version, isn't exactly the best comparison.

That's all. ;)
Johnny Awesome said:
No game is for everyone: After all, only one in 3.5 Xbox owners even owns Halo, but Halo probably has the highest attach rate of any non-bundled game in console history.(

there are several xbox packs where halo is bundled.

anyway does this attach rate only rely on halo's merit, or also on a somewhat lack of high-profile games in the xbox library ? remember that at a time xbox was nicknamed the one game console...
chapban. said:
8 more months of development. :)
It is also a multiplayer map. Thanks to Iceman at GAF, we can see how cool the draw distance is.

Blue Master Chief from a mile!

GOTY 2004. Dot. Period.

as you say the game is in development.. and as we know that the game will definitively not be 1600x1200 we know we can't just take these screenshots as representative on the game on the xbox.
Actually when MS annouced halo breaking 3 million in sales, it was strctly on sales alone. That number didn't include bundled halo.

we know we can't just take these screenshots as representative on the game on the xbox.

other than resoloution, why can't you, and what does that have to do with a really huge draw distance? you're sounding like your making excuses or something.
Qroach said:
Actually when MS annouced halo breaking 3 million in sales, it was strctly on sales alone. That number didn't include bundled halo.

Then we can safely say it's much more than that, even now the Xbox is bundled with bloody Halo. I mean you'd think they get over it. It's a freaking launch game...
What Qroach said. ;)

Ain we all be familar with the now (tm) console high resolution FSAAAAA screenshots? BUT of coz, i was not even talking that then, just saying how cool the draw distance be. :)