Halo 2 Gameplay Video

Halo2 will most likely look like these at 480p.






:oops: :oops:
Now will 720p be possible?????????? :drooling:
After seeing the 8 minute trailer(im a IGN insider) all I can say is wow. I had no idea Xbox could do these graphics, looks like I will be buying this for sure. Looks SOO damn good.

The game just looks FUN.

Not to mention the framerate.. it was gold, it looked like it was running at 60fps.. Although it's probably 30, either way the whole game looks amazing.
Beautiful game, and HALO kicks ass playing with 3 friends. I just don't like the whole dual weapon concept, allways seemed B-action movie tacky to me. The chief is better than that...
zurich said:
What makes you think its pre-rendered? Looks very much real-time to me.. I mean, not to bash the game in any way, but no pre-rendered stuff is that bad ;) BTW, chaps link was terrible. The IGN Insider video is alot crisper (640x480).

Where is the 640x480 IGN video? I have insider and all I got was the 320x240 video last night.

Something else I forgot to mention, someone from Bungie was on the IGN forums and he said it was all ingame and someone was playing it. He also said the warthog wasn't on a set path when MC got in the back, it was the AI driving it.
Saem said:
Is it just me or doesn't that look like it's not a unified lighting model?

Bungie never claimed HALO2 was a unified lighting model. IIRC, they've been using high-res prerendered lightmaps in combination with gobs of dynamic lighting.
Uh no, I bet it's not lightmaps. For non-destructable/movable geometry (e.g. buildings, ground, walls, etc) I bet they are using "pre-baked" shadow volumes. For the rest it is either stencil shadow volumes or shadow buffers. You can clearly see this in both the last Halo2 trailer and in the recent E3 one. Every dynamic object casts shadows and self shadows dynamically. Vehicles, turrets, people, etc.

In the original Halo2 trailer, even fixed geometry in the walls was seen self-shadowing. But that was an indoor map. In this footage, it's hard to tell. I tried to see if any of the highway overpasses, street lamps, or other fixed geometry was casting shadows when explosions went off, but couldn't tell.

It's possible that it doesn't occur with fixed immovable geometry in game, but can occur in cut-scenes, since you can predict ahead of time each dynamic light and do some preprocessing.

I really don't care if Halo2 isn't as "full" of a lighting model as D3. The issue is how you use what you've got, and Halo2 seems to be using it pretty well.
Yay, Halo 2 in game video... oh, that's right... almost nowhere on the internet that's good is free any more... oh yeah... I'm using 56k... damn! :(

What are the chances that 720P and 16:9 ratio will be options for output? I'm guessing slim on the 720P with the already heavy memory usage that's probably going on in this game. 16:9, however, sure would be nice...

Dural said:
Something else I forgot to mention, someone from Bungie was on the IGN forums and he said it was all ingame and someone was playing it. He also said the warthog wasn't on a set path when MC got in the back, it was the AI driving it.

Ooh! That means they added driving AI? Cool!
Tagrineth said:
Ooh! That means they added driving AI? Cool!

Actually, on Halo 1, I watched a marine get in a ghost and fly it around fighting. (Forgot which level tho :( It's been months since I've seen my Xbox) That happened more than once. But as for a Warthog..mmmm.. that would be fun, though I personally like driving it and someone in back shooting :D
FiggyG said:
But as for a Warthog..mmmm.. that would be fun, though I personally like driving it and someone in back shooting :D

Me 2. The pea shooter on the warthogs isn't any good anyway, much more efficient to just run the bad guys over.
