
akira888 said:
It's incredible the ease at which some can become parodies of themselves. I have about zero respect for the Admininstration but Lord, to arrive at a rock solid conclusion based on one wire story containing one's man testimony who is not exactly a "disinterested actor" is the epitome of poor logic.

The testimony from Aristide was just icing on the cake. There was already plenty of evidence that the U.S. has been involved in this, including through direct financial ties to the rebels through the National Endowment for Democracy and the International Republican Institute.
Clashman, your post isn't showing up due to deletions fubar'ing the page system. I also I'm sorry about the tone of my last couple posts - yesterday was a bad, bad day here at uni for me.

As for Haiti, wait and see. Not enough evidence at this point to say anything conclusive. Besides I'm not even sure being "democratically" elected confers any status on rulers that makes them in any more legitimate than your average tinhorn dictator, who at the very least is honest about his role in society. Aristide out the door (and democracy with it) might be good for Haiti, but then again it likely won't make a difference either way.
Well thats what happens to infidels that inhabit the "ancestral" lands of the muslim arabs Akira. Why should anyone be shocked? :rolleyes: