Government conspiracy: Aluminum hats

That's monster funny. The helmets don't seem to dampen anything and actually amplify certain frequency bands.. What a setback to all the tinoil idiots!

Btw.. I've always wondered about those foil hats.. Do the people wearing them think RF is only capable of approaching the brain from the above?

Shouldn't they be swaddling their entire head (and preferably neck and probably much of upper body too) with the stuff in order to achieve maximum "protection"?

It gets even better here:

From that site's faq page said:
Is x for real? [Where x is anything mentioned on my website]
Yes, of course. Would someone with a website lie to you?
I assume - from reading this and other indications on that site - it's actually a joke site.

Sort of like that christian baptist whatsitcalled site with all the nutty over-the-top interpretations of the bible etc. The faq is actually laced pretty heavily with irony. This reinforces my belief it is not meant to be taken entirely seriously..

Besifes the writings layout and graphics etc strike me as a little too well done to have been created by a true nutcase.


In fact just looking at the front page (which yours truly only did just now) should convince people it's all meant to taken tongue in cheek..