Google's new Courgette patching system for Chrome, could it help PS3 game updates?

The way the PS3 update is done as follows:
Sony creates a flash image with the content of the updates: everything on it.
You download the image onto the PS3.
The OS will dd this image onto the PS3's flash.
Uncharted 2 allow developer to tweak, patch or change the game without prompting the players to update their software. Check GT TV shows
Uncharted 2 allow developer to tweak, patch or change the game without prompting the players to update their software. Check GT TV shows
The ability to edit chunks of code (similar to MS's 'Edit & Continue' behaviour) has been in the PS3 SDK (for all developers) for quite a while now.

Thanks for the info as usual DeanA. I recently updated a bunch of my smaller games, and its still a bit weird to have a game like Noby Noby Boy make you update 563MB of data. :D Fortunately the other games (The Last Guy, Rag Doll Kung Fu, etc.) were better.
Thanks for the info as usual DeanA. I recently updated a bunch of my smaller games, and its still a bit weird to have a game like Noby Noby Boy make you update 563MB of data. :D Fortunately the other games (The Last Guy, Rag Doll Kung Fu, etc.) were better.
Well, my previous comment was about 'live update' of code during the development process.. so it's not really related to updates. I just wanted to make it clear that what was described is not related to the update process in any way.

So, in terms of updates, deltas are a likely to be a bit of a non-starter for titles (and, I suspect, firmware).. simply because the signing and encryption would significantly change the content should any data be modified. So, change a byte, and watch as your entire image changes. Deltas would be useless in this respect, as they'd be as large as (or larger) than the file being processed.

The behaviour/layout of updates is something developers normally plan for when structuring their game. I can't speak for the guys behind Noby Noby Boy (and I couldn't, even if I wanted to), but if modifications to their title required additional content and/or large scale changes to data formats to support some new functionality or improved performance, then this may account for the large download package.

Thanks for the info as usual DeanA. I recently updated a bunch of my smaller games, and its still a bit weird to have a game like Noby Noby Boy make you update 563MB of data. :D Fortunately the other games (The Last Guy, Rag Doll Kung Fu, etc.) were better.

Noby Noby Boy is a special case, since the original game was much much smaller than the patch. They added a ton of music with that patch, for instance.