Getting ready for colledge sucks


I have to take a math placement test for my college and get it done 5 days before orientation. Thats not the difficult part thoygh when you go to take the test the ask you in what grade you took which math and what you had in it each symester. Of course they do not tell you this beforehand and like I remember what I got each symester all I remember is that I got A's and B's in the classes. Then I go to the orentation page where it says i may not have to take the orientation test because I took Pseo and college Trig at Wright State but ofd course i haven't transfered the records from that quarter yet and after that it has to be verified. So I do not know if I even have to take the damn test but it probably now won't be known till after orientation since it is July12-13.

Well life sucks dont it? ;)
You think that's bad? Try taking those test 12 years after you graduated high school!

I had the cold sweats taking 'em, I really did....I was terrified I'd blank or else just wouldn't remember anything. :?
Decided you needed to go to college to get a better job to support the kids?

Hey at least your not my parents who will have all three kids in college at the same time for atleast one year and dads back has been getting worse so he probably cannot do much more than ride the lawnmower which can only get about 4/5 of the yard.
Xenus said:
Decided you needed to go to college to get a better job to support the kids?
Nah, I was making plans to get married still and thought that going back to school and fixing up my two drop-outs seemed like a good place to start.

My wife got pregnant late in my second semester so I dropped out and got a job, then a few years after that my wife went back to work and I stayed home with our son...she got a job offer that was more than twice of what I made with full benefits and much better hours, not to mention a lot less of them.

It's worked out, someday I'll go back and finish up my degree....I ain't in no hurry. :)
Xenus said:
Nice to know your much securer in your masculinity than Stan in American Dad. :LOL:
Marriage and kids will do that for you, but I think it'd happened a while before...I just sort of stopped caring what other people thought of me and worried about what I thought of me, it's a very liberating experience. :)
Being a man is standing up for your family and being there for them.

Go you, digi. :D

(But go lighter on the gas pedal okay? :D)
Xenus said:
I have to take a math placement test for my college and get it done 5 days before orientation. Thats not the difficult part thoygh when you go to take the test the ask you in what grade you took which math and what you had in it each symester. Of course they do not tell you this beforehand and like I remember what I got each symester all I remember is that I got A's and B's in the classes. Then I go to the orentation page where it says i may not have to take the orientation test because I took Pseo and college Trig at Wright State but ofd course i haven't transfered the records from that quarter yet and after that it has to be verified. So I do not know if I even have to take the damn test but it probably now won't be known till after orientation since it is July12-13.

Well life sucks dont it? ;)

Hmm... if I were you I might be more worried about the English Comp. courses. ;)
Hey, I resent that. :LOL:

Nah, I got an A on a paper I wrote for a college course in an hour the day before it was due. I just really need a spell checker and nedd to watch the run ons. I am also comma impaired but hey I barely ever use the things anyway.
ah, state schools.

<-- elitist bastard :)

yeah, I bombed my math placement test because it was due in two days and I took it after I had worked 12 hours that day (but I knew I would have to work at least 14 the next day). so... it didn't go well. then I messed up in calc 1 thanks to Hell Flu (nothing like calculus while you have a 103 fever, y'know). but oh well. not a big deal. GPA recovers, life goes on.
The Baron said:
GPA recovers, life goes on.
Heh, I got my GPA up from a 0.0 to a 3.6 in one year. I'm still actually proud of that and got me "Dean's List" certificate up by my desk.

Hey, I had a 0.0 GPA for over 11 felt good to get rid of it.