Gears of War to be released Feb 1 2006.

Typo; Feb 1, 2007 ;)

Anyway, heres what Blim (of xboxyde) just said about the title:

"GoW is a Q4 2006 title. I'd bet on a november release."

November is a pretty common month for big name releases. No way is it going to be released in 10 days.
Yeah I was pretty surprised to see that. Wishful thinking that when I get my XBOX360 on release day in OZ(March 2) that I'd be able to play Gears.
Heh, I just clicked to tell him he had bunk info, but I suppose I should have figured that others had already covered that. :)
Wow. . . I almost got my hopes up for a second there. Yeah, I'd rather wait for a game than have it rushed (like a lot of the launch games were), but it's still a disappointment. Back in May, I thought I would be playing Gears of War, Oblivion, and Lost Odyssey on Christmas :(

EDIT: I was wrong. Gears of war was initially announced to come out within 1 year of the 360 launch.
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Shark Sandwich said:
Wow. . . I almost got my hopes up for a second there. "Launch window" release my ass. Yeah, I'd rather wait for a game than have it rushed (like a lot of the launch games were), but it's still a disappointment. Back in May, I thought I would be playing Gears of War, Oblivion, and Lost Odyssey on Christmas :(

I thought it was always quite clear since the last E3 that GoW wouldn't be out for atleast a year, which ment that the eralist we would see it would be around E3 this year, and the emergence day has always been 2006 and nothing else...
Platon said:
I thought it was always quite clear since the last E3 that GoW wouldn't be out for atleast a year, which ment that the eralist we would see it would be around E3 this year, and the emergence day has always been 2006 and nothing else...

Was it? I could've sworn that GoW was touted as a "launch window" game when it was first revealed. If I'm wrong about this, I will take back my previous comment.
Mordenkainen said:
They have had one for a long time now.

From Scott Miller on Jan 26:
"I can't find a X360 to buy in stores, and we have yet to get a development machine sent from Microsoft even though Prey is being developed for their system."

A day later he updated his blog with this: "I now have in my grubby hands a signed agreement that will result in us getting Xbox 360 dev boxes. All is good. "

So no; they have not had one for a long time.
inefficient said:
From Scott Miller on Jan 26:
"I can't find a X360 to buy in stores, and we have yet to get a development machine sent from Microsoft even though Prey is being developed for their system."

A day later he updated his blog with this: "I now have in my grubby hands a signed agreement that will result in us getting Xbox 360 dev boxes. All is good. "

So no; they have not had one for a long time.

They are not programming the game.

Edit - why isn't this in the right thread btw?
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You know, I was wondering about that, if he was talking about 3DR or if he was talking only about the development of Prey and that "we" referred to HHS.
inefficient said:
From Scott Miller on Jan 26:
"I can't find a X360 to buy in stores, and we have yet to get a development machine sent from Microsoft even though Prey is being developed for their system."

A day later he updated his blog with this: "I now have in my grubby hands a signed agreement that will result in us getting Xbox 360 dev boxes. All is good. "

So no; they have not had one for a long time.

From Chris Rhinehart (Human Head - i.e. the ones actually making the game) on Jan 27:

"The demo consisted of three parts: We showed a portion of the single-player game, showed a short bit of the 360 version in action, and then a hand-on demo of Prey multiplayer deathmatch."
Today I was out for a walk with the mp3 player and I just happened to have the theme to Ghost Recon in the library. It was composed by Bill Brown who some of you may be familiar with from games like Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield, Undying, and Command & Conquer: Generals. I really like his music (I would have to to put it on my mp3 player, right?;)) and the score to Ghost Recon is particularly moving.

So, while this really has nothing to do with Ghost Recon 3: Advanced Warfighter for the Xbox 360, I thought I'd just post some links so you can listen to this piece of history in the Ghost Recon saga while psyching yourselves up for GRAW. I have no idea who is doing the music to the new one, but I hope it carries on the mysterious majestic tone set by its predecessor.

Ghost Recon Theme (stream)
Ghost Recon Theme (download - right-click -> "save as")

Bill Brown's Main Page
Page listing all available music online

So, have a listen to the main theme, dim the lights and crank the volume. Feel the weight of the mission that awaits you. ;)