Why wouldn't MS insist on charging,
Why does Epic release free content?
Both strategies bring in a return as I've already stated. By giving away free content MS is increasing the sell through for GoW2, they are increasing the number/longevity of XB Gold accounts, and they are increasing the fanbase for their console. Epic doesn't release free content out of the goodness of their hearts, they feel it is a succesful business strategy.
I'm not berating MS for charging, it's their content, they are the publishers.
I'm only saying it's an ugly philosophy that I think is counter-productive in the long run. Epic knows what they are doing, they have been making games for a decade, there must be tangible benefits to taking care of your userbase that have benefitted their business.
To me, you have 2 diametrically opposed viewpoints, milk your userbase VS support your userbase and build goodwill.
I will continue to side with Epic in their approach, I think their strategy would be more succesful for MS
as a business. If MS concentrated more on expanding userbase, rather than short term profit they will be more succesful (this runs the gammut from everything to delayed pricedrops, overpriced peripherals, and forcing developers to charge for DLC.)
We agree MS has every right to try and force their developers to charge for DLC, they have the right to decide to overprice their peripherals, they have the right to not drop the price on their console until the very last minute. But the question is, are these the right decisions?
I would say no, but given MS's current approach, I'm glad they're making these mistakes, as a marketplace dominated by these money grubbing bean counters is not one I want to see. $180 proprietary HDD's no thx.
MS's one saving grace is their amazing 1st party lineup, I can't complain too much because in the end, they are hooking me up with one helluva lineup.