Gears of War 12min Xboxyde

Here's a good example of the wall textures holding up to the scrutiny of some pretty extreme close-ups via the sniper rifle. (23 mb, Multiplayer, no spoilers).

To be fair,(call me delusional if you want to) I definitely believe there's motion blur in that second pic. There's plenty of multiplayer footage floating around out there, and if you watch some of it, you can see that when somebody picks up a weapon or anything off of the ground, the camera shifts down and back up again pretty abruptly, causing the motion blur effect. I believe that's what's happening in that picture.

What I am seeing in the second one (with the bodies heaped up), the left "sidewalk" looks like it has a lower resolution "concrete" texture with a higher resolution normal. The asphalt doesn't appear to be lacking much detail (fine grained speckles and detailed cracks). imo it seems like the artist probably decided that obtaining the effect of stained concrete (wear exposing fresher [white] concrete and marring [darker areas] from oil, dirt, and so forth) had a good enough result with the low resolution texture and that a detailed normal map would fill in the missing detail. If the normal wasn't there I would agree that the 2nd shot looked poor, but seeing as that not being the case I would say imo the overall effect is good in that shot.

The first shot with the pillar does look poor. The object is obviously intended to be very detailed, and I am sure that the original model probably had significant amounts of geometry and detail. The texture itself not only seems to lack some resolution, it also looks washed out and doesn't seem to have much depth. I have noticed that a couple of the MP maps seem to be uneven in quality--some better than others. The one with the vines, imo, looks especially poor in some places. Others looked really great. It could be partially related to the deadline and the addition of 2 MP maps at the last moment before launch.

But like others have noted, the texturing is a genreal strength of this game compared to other games. It isn't perfect, and I don't think anyone is suggesting it is. I know some people will angle this toward either system memory limitations or storage format limitations (both could be factors), but just as likely (beyond MP) is the "human" limitation. A game that plays ~12 hours with a lot of variety in content is going to have some limitations and pit falls. Obviously it isn't a technical limitation in the simplest respect as much media shows (and on average, the "normal" GOW scene looks better than those shots), but it is worth noting that even a sponsored exclusive on a "next gen" engine from 2004 can have rough spots.

Nothing to be ashamed of. Now if the game in general had these issues it would raise some eyebrows about why the press is excited about the game in regards to the graphics. The real question is "why" -- which none of us will probably get an answer about, even after the finished game -- and in the long run the only reasonable technical point would be quanitative and qualitative, i.e. "How often, and how good/bad". I think it is fair to say GOW based on what we have seen (subject to change!) is "not often" and "doesn't typically destroy the overall impression". A bad texture here or there is different from frequently poor texturing (which can also be art limited mind you... long list of games inserted here!) and other factors like lack of normals and lack of quality lighting in general which can all impact the gamers impression of an object. In many cases you can actually get away with a low detailed texture if the object lacks that sort of detail. We are beginning to get to a stage where object "IQ" is impacted by a lot of factors above and beyond the hand painted texture. But... oh, end ramble...
i agree there're lots of details in the textures, but the problem is that they look flat, lacking depth compare to say Lair.

Why are we comparing a flat tiled floor to a floor with large stone tiles? It is an art direction issue. GOW also does make a bit of use of parallax mapping (e.g. this post by scoob... which seems to be down right now, but it showed a very large wall with rough cut stone with the same effect in your pic), so there are plenty of non-flat scenes. I guess the question was "What does the art call for here?" Typically a nice tiled floor doesn't have 12" deep groves. Adding them for the sake of adding them... would be silly. But even the pic you posted does show the cover they are behind isn't complete flat unlike a lot of the pillars we see in other shots.

Also, why are we comparing other games? (wasn't that what the "Best Graphics ever blah blah blah" thread was for?) I am not even sure that is allowed in general anymore (?) Not that I am totally against it, but it won't end anywhere good. Anyhow, the other game has very limited media, especially of world items, so it wouldn't be too fair to claim one was less flat than the other anyhow.

Basically, GOW is invariably past the controlled PR-Bullshot stage. I think the realization sets in, with all games, that even a great looking game won't look like the best PR shot all the time. Saying, "The final images of X don't always look staggering, and fall short of the dozen PR shots of game Y" is one of those... slippery slopes. Oh well. I don't have a 360 and probably won't get to play Gears or Motorstorm for a few months and my PC has no great games coming :( All you guys have fun while I play my! ;)
my PC has no great games coming
You're kidding aren't you? NWN2 and TW Medieval 2 are very very supposedly very very good games.

Anyway, do you people really expect ultra high-res textures in a console game, when console has only 512MB RAM? This sort of things happens only in Factor 5's statements.
You're kidding aren't you? NWN2 and TW Medieval 2 are very very supposedly very very good games.

Anyway, do you people really expect ultra high-res textures in a console game, when console has only 512MB RAM? This sort of things happens only in Factor 5's statements.

Oh I can bet my left nut that TW Medieval 2 will rock so much. If its any better than TW:Rome, its easily one of the greatest and addicting games! I tried out the demo and it was simply insane, to bad I enjoy upgrading my units and cities a bit more than the actual battles and the demo didn't offer the worldmap stage, but its not long til its released.

Come on guys stop comparing the games to each other, its not long til GeoW is actually released, then review the gameand lets see if it looks anywhere near as good as people are hyping it to look. ;)
my Game Crazy is picking up their copies at the airport tomorrow and says that I should have this bad boy in my grubby paws by noon tomorrow Pacific time!!! :p:oops::LOL: