Gamestop preorders


Just got word , Only may preorders are guarnteed on both systems and games . Controllers and stuff like that are diffrent as we only took them in sept and october.

I believe may 27th is the cut off for guarnted preorders .

So this should be a good rule of thumb if your getting one or not

My preorder reciept is dated May 26th.

But my last call with Gamestop says I may miss the first shipment but would get it before Christmas for sure.

Let's hope it's for the better and in which case better for me. :D
jvd said:
well the first week of june is when we were told to tell people second shipment :)

Do you have any info about when the second shipment will arrive? I ask my GS store, but the guy told me that he has no idea/no info.
silhouette said:
Do you have any info about when the second shipment will arrive? I ask my GS store, but the guy told me that he has no idea/no info.

I dunno we were told every 7-10 days for shipments .
jvd said:
well the first week of june is when we were told to tell people second shipment :)

Would your rule of thumb apply to all Gamestops?

The gamestop I preordered from it's one of two gamestops within like two blocks of each other. The first one said they stopped taking preorders because their first and second shipments filled. The second one said they just started on the second shipment so I'm pretty much near the top for that one. I got it figuring it's the best choice I have at the moment (May 26th).

I'm going to try and get a 360 from Target. Since it's first come first serve.

If I do get it from Target, I'll cancel my preorder from Gamestop and just use the store credit towards a game or peripherals. Unless I get better news from the Gamestop clerk. Then I won't have to go prowling the streets for a place that is selling a X360P. If I'm at Target and the only thing left they have is a Core I don't know what I would do.

I kinda don't like that particular Gamestop too much because the guy who works there I see the most isn't too knowledgable, when MS announced the dual SKU deal he didn't know about it and tried to assure me it was a rumor, then the next day he called me and told me all preorders are automatically the Premium SKU unless people wanted to change it to the Core.
Would your rule of thumb apply to all Gamestops?

Not a rule of thumb. If you have a game preordered when it comes in u will get the phone call for when u can pick it up. With that phone call they will tell u what i just posted (though have the actually day as i forgot the day)

The gamestop I preordered from it's one of two gamestops within like two blocks of each other. The first one said they stopped taking preorders because their first and second shipments filled. The second one said they just started on the second shipment so I'm pretty much near the top for that one. I got it figuring it's the best choice I have at the moment (May 26th).

You might get it launch day then. Sounds like a very low volume store .

Remember they aren't guarnteeing after a certian date in may , doesn't mean u wont get one

I'm going to try and get a 360 from Target. Since it's first come first serve.

apparently target is getting 20 per store. They are going to count out 20 people in line that morning and thats it .
I didn't preorder any games, it might come back to bite me though. But I doubt it will be that bad. The Gamestop told me that I should preorder the accessories as well, that's kinda crazy. But I would only be potentially screwed if I am confirmed a X360P from them on release day.

But the accessories shouldn't be too much harder to get, much less games, I think I'll end up playing Halo 2 (720p goodness) and my recent game purchases if I don't get the 360 games. I'm sure I'll get everything I want from Target.

I'll call/go to my gamestop next week and get the final word so can see how I'll plan out my strategy. Last word he told me, even though I'm in the second shipment, is that I could go to the release at midnight and if any of the first orders don't show up they'll give the left overs from the first shipment to the poeple on the list for the second shipment. But I doubt it be more than 2, maybe less.

That's why I'm taking my chances with Target, with at least 20, I think the majority will be premium if not 50/50, I have an equal chance to get it as the next guy in line if I'm at least the 10th guy to be safe. And if I get in I can get the games and accessories I need, then I'll change my 360 preorder at my gamestop to a preorder for Oblivion or Ghost Recon 3. I wonder if there are people out there specifically getting the Core. I figure it'd be the parents getting it for their kids but don't want to spend more.

Dunno if I should also try Toys R' Us which is next to the Target I'm going to, Circuit City across the street, Best Buy a few miles away, or the very last if I'm desperate, Wal-Mart <shudder>. I could enlist the aid of my friend to be me at the Gamestop opening day or aska friend of a friend who works at Circuit City.

Does anyone know how these other stores are handling the release?
I didn't preorder any games, it might come back to bite me though. But I doubt it will be that bad. The Gamestop told me that I should preorder the accessories as well, that's kinda crazy. But I would only be potentially screwed if I am confirmed a X360P from them on release day.

we are getting basicly what was preordered. IF we got 20 controllers preordered we may see 22 .

Games are the same , we are getting just what we preordered and mabye one or two extras

But the accessories shouldn't be too much harder to get, much less games, I think I'll end up playing Halo 2 (720p goodness) and my recent game purchases if I don't get the 360 games. I'm sure I'll get everything I want from Target.
well good luck , i preordered what i wanted . No having to go from store to store

I'll call/go to my gamestop next week and get the final word so can see how I'll plan out my strategy. Last word he told me, even though I'm in the second shipment, is that I could go to the release at midnight and if any of the first orders don't show up they'll give the left overs from the first shipment to the poeple on the list for the second shipment. But I doubt it be more than 2, maybe less.

They can't do that , 48 hours . Unless they are going to break some room and have problems

Dunno if I should also try Toys R' Us which is next to the Target I'm going to, Circuit City across the street, Best Buy a few miles away, or the very last if I'm desperate, Wal-Mart <shudder>. I could enlist the aid of my friend to be me at the Gamestop opening day or aska friend of a friend who works at Circuit City.

Yea see , if u preordered u could have gotten all of them in one trip :)
Any idea what stores will be doing a midnight release? Does Bestbuy ever do things like that, or is it strictly EB/Gamestop and the like?
I used to work in a CompUSA that was in the same shopping center as Best Buy, on the HALO 2 launch there were about 30-50 people standing in line at BB, and not a single person at CompUSA (keep that in mind), we had 15 copies of Halo2. CompUSA is always the very last place gamers go, the last time I went to the website they had the 360 displayed on the home page so I am assuming they will have some, especially considering they have the in-store SKUs listed on the site
I've got friends at all of the stores here in Denver, so I am covered in case GS pushes me to second or third shipment.

You should be able to prepay for a 360 at Comp, since there is a store SKU, but sometimes , depending on product it is not allowed. Give them a call and see, just keep in mind, the only way to prepay is payment in full.
jvd said:
we are getting basicly what was preordered. IF we got 20 controllers preordered we may see 22 .

Games are the same , we are getting just what we preordered and mabye one or two extras

well good luck , i preordered what i wanted . No having to go from store to store
I figure I got a good chance at Target, my brother works there and said Target is pretty much one of the last places people go. Like when the PSP came out they all didn't sell out. But that was the PSP though.
They can't do that , 48 hours . Unless they are going to break some room and have problems
See I thought that was the case because it's been that way for my game preorders in the past. Unless different rules applied to partially paid preorders?
Yea see , if u preordered u could have gotten all of them in one trip :)
Kinda wished I did that now sometimes, but when I preordered I wasn't too sure about getting a 360, now I really do. But I'm confidant I'll get what I want from Target, if not I'll still definately get it before Christmas.
NucNavST3 said:
I used to work in a CompUSA that was in the same shopping center as Best Buy, on the HALO 2 launch there were about 30-50 people standing in line at BB, and not a single person at CompUSA (keep that in mind), we had 15 copies of Halo2. CompUSA is always the very last place gamers go, the last time I went to the website they had the 360 displayed on the home page so I am assuming they will have some, especially considering they have the in-store SKUs listed on the site
I've got friends at all of the stores here in Denver, so I am covered in case GS pushes me to second or third shipment.

You should be able to prepay for a 360 at Comp, since there is a store SKU, but sometimes , depending on product it is not allowed. Give them a call and see, just keep in mind, the only way to prepay is payment in full.

I was thinking about CompUSA but I had a crappy experience with them when I was tasked by my Dad to get a Gamecube for my little brother for Christmas years back. My Mom got one through a friend but it was Purple so I had to find a Black one pronto and someone who would buy the purple one. I called CompUSA and they said they had one and when I went there, they would only sell it if I bought a damn warranty. I politely said screw you and went to Best Buy. There I saw a guy standing in the open holding a Gamecube and when I asked him he said he was holding it for someone but he hadn't shown up in over 15 minutes so I asked if I could take it and he gave it to me! I sold the purple one to my friend who needed to get one for his brother so everythign worked out. It was funny when we played around with my brother by showing him the two Gamecubes and said they both weren't for him.

But anyways, I just called my local CompUSA (different one from the last) and asked about the Xbox 360. The guy was cool and told me that they are not taking any preorders until a few days (that means at least three right?) before release and it would have to be in full (NucNavST3 you are correct). But that they will be getting 20 Premiums and 20 Cores for launch day! So about the reports of stores getting 20-50 Xbox 360's, I always wondered what the breakdown of the SKU would be like and it seems 50/50 is the magic ratio. Also with people saying certain places getting 20, could that mean 20 of each? So now I have another route to go and if I can clinch a CompUSA preorder (I don't think I'd mind a warranty this time incase there are defective 360's).
bouy said:
... I always wondered what the breakdown of the SKU would be like and it seems 50/50 is the magic ratio. Also with people saying certain places getting 20, could that mean 20 of each...

my Game Crazy is getting all premiums (55 so they claim), no cores
I figure I got a good chance at Target, my brother works there and said Target is pretty much one of the last places people go. Like when the PSP came out they all didn't sell out. But that was the PSP though.
can't your bro juts pick it up for u ?

ANyway by here target is actually big . them and walrmart actually get alot of shopers .

Of course i'm told in other areas these places are also supermarkets .... so i dunno

See I thought that was the case because it's been that way for my game preorders in the past. Unless different rules applied to partially paid preorders?

They can't , its the rules . We don't make phone calls so people are going to get calls that thier units in from an automated calling company and they get 48 hours . They will be pretty pissed if they get a phone call come the next day (when it should beo ut ) and don't have a unit .

Kinda wished I did that now sometimes, but when I preordered I wasn't too sure about getting a 360, now I really do. But I'm confidant I'll get what I want from Target, if not I'll still definately get it before Christmas.

well i wish u luck .

I'm only picking up kameo and my system. Pdz special edition , 2 wireless controller , 3 plug and play kits will all wait for dec 9th when i get 35% off :)

the reason why i still work in a video game store 15 hours a month :)
bouy said:
I was thinking about CompUSA but I had a crappy experience with them when I was tasked by my Dad to get a Gamecube for my little brother for Christmas years back. My Mom got one through a friend but it was Purple so I had to find a Black one pronto and someone who would buy the purple one. I called CompUSA and they said they had one and when I went there, they would only sell it if I bought a damn warranty. I politely said screw you and went to Best Buy. There I saw a guy standing in the open holding a Gamecube and when I asked him he said he was holding it for someone but he hadn't shown up in over 15 minutes so I asked if I could take it and he gave it to me! I sold the purple one to my friend who needed to get one for his brother so everythign worked out. It was funny when we played around with my brother by showing him the two Gamecubes and said they both weren't for him.

But anyways, I just called my local CompUSA (different one from the last) and asked about the Xbox 360. The guy was cool and told me that they are not taking any preorders until a few days (that means at least three right?) before release and it would have to be in full (NucNavST3 you are correct). But that they will be getting 20 Premiums and 20 Cores for launch day! So about the reports of stores getting 20-50 Xbox 360's, I always wondered what the breakdown of the SKU would be like and it seems 50/50 is the magic ratio. Also with people saying certain places getting 20, could that mean 20 of each? So now I have another route to go and if I can clinch a CompUSA preorder (I don't think I'd mind a warranty this time incase there are defective 360's).

See if the CompUSA store around you has a business sales department, and see if they will put the prepay in for you. The business sales department and the retail department are two very different entities all residing in one building...right hand meet left hand, 'nuff said. Here is the sku: 334950
As an aside, the business sales department is the only one left in CompUSA that is on commission, the benefit of shopping with the business guys is "preferred pricing" aka discounts, so if there is say 35% markup on something (cables and accessories) maybe you get it at 16%-20something%, you do NOT have to own a business to shop with them...the downside is because hardware is usually under cost, you are not going to have someone break their back to find something for you (depending on the person).
Don't automatically shoot down the TAP (service plan) some are good, some are worthless. Having service basically helps you "massage the system" (e.g. always by TAP on a printer, after a year and a half, tell them its broken and get yourself a new one (not saying I ever suggested that:cool:))

Good news and bad for those that pre-ordered from Gamestop online...

here is the email I recieved today... overall I am pleased with it. I ordered when the bundles came out. (8/24/2005) and they (as of yesterday) will have enough to cover the online pre-orders taken up until Oct 11.

Here is the email I recieved today.

Dear Customer:

The information contained in this e-mail is very important as it may require an action on your part. Please read carefully.

* Dead or Alive 4 and Elder Scrolls Oblivion have been delayed past the launch of the Xbox 360. Because of this we have replaced them with Gun from Activision and Condemned from Sega in your bundle. If you have ordered Gun or Condemned apart from your Xbox 360 bundle and wish to cancel it or wish to cancel your bundle, you can do so by sending an email to with your order #, name and phone number.

* Currently, we anticipate enough inventory at launch to fill all Xbox 360 orders placed before October 11th. Pending payment approval, we plan to ship orders from this first shipment on Monday, November 21, at the shipping service level you selected. We do not have firm information on subsequent shipments at this time and will ship future orders as inventory becomes available.

* We will begin processing payments for all orders that fall into our first shipment on November 14th. Your credit card will be billed for the full amount of your order. Please ensure that funds are available and the billing address you provided matches what your credit card company has on file, otherwise we cannot process your order and you may risk losing your place in line. If we require additional information to process your payment, you will have 24 hours to respond. If we do not hear back within 24 hours, you will lose your place in line. If your order falls in the first shipment range, please check your e-mail on November 15th in case we need to communicate with you regarding payment processing.

Supplies of the Xbox 360 are extremely limited. All of the information above is based on our best information as of November 10. Release dates and/or the amount of orders we are able to ship at launch are subject to change and we can not guarantee timing or availability.

If you have any questions, send them to E-mails usually receive a response within 24 hours.

Thanks again,
Best Regards,
Name Removed
Gamestop Customer Service

So the bad news seems to be the replacements... not too bad, I can deal with that (Walmart here I come)

The good news is that they will be shipping on the 21st, so I can have my order waiting for me when I get home on the 22nd, and that they are expecting to fill the orders taken up until Oct 11th..

Tap In said:
my Game Crazy is getting all premiums (55 so they claim), no cores

correction, update

they now have created a list in chronological order and have backed off the statement of "all will be filled" and have broken them down to a firm number (he wouldn't say how many) but that at #15 on the list, that I am IN. :D

Anyone beyond the firm number get subsequent shipments.