Gamecubes texture resolution. How high is it?

I was wondering because when games are ported to the GC it doesn't seem that the texture resolution being used is at its highest. Another question I have is do you believe Metroid Prime to be a 1st generation game or a second. I believe first generation because of the time development was started and plus this was Retro's first game on the GC.
I believe it supports up to 2048x2048, though I'm not sure if that's accurate(don't even remember where I read it). ERP?

I was wondering because when games are ported to the GC it doesn't seem that the texture resolution being used is at its highest.

Resident Evil. Prerendering is certainly a cheap way to push killer visuals overall, but judging by the end results I'd say it's certainly utilizing some rather large textures.
More than likely, yeah, 2048 square seems to be the current 'standard maximum' with 4096 square about to rear its totally useless head.

Seriously, though, on a console you RARELY need bigger than 512 square. There just aren't enough pixels on the TV to show anything bigger!

1024 square textures will probably become more common once HDTV becomes standard, probably next gen.

And IIRC, Rogue Leader (heh, I wonder why we keep coming back to this gem?) does in fact use 512 square base textures. :)
One of the issues I have is the quality texture maps that are seen in games that are ported to the Xbox seem to always look sharper, but their never is an explanation for it. Is it memory, pixel shaders, textures resolution or is it the dev house thats porting games to the consoles.
Ooh-videogames said:
One of the issues I have is the quality texture maps that are seen in games that are ported to the Xbox seem to always look sharper, but their never is an explanation for it. Is it memory, pixel shaders, textures resolution or is it the dev house thats porting games to the consoles.

One theory off the top of my head could be that some straight ports (like, say, THPS) could probably just have anisotropic filtering enabled.
what I've heard is that Flipper can support 512x512 resolution textures max. Not that it really matters because textures that big rarely get used. Besides with the amount of RAM GC has, it's never too heavy on the texture side.

SFA has IMO the best texturing of any GC game so far and the textures are repeated an awful lot. It's basically a bunch of *small* textures used to cover everything up. It ends up looking hi-rez because it's repeated, not because the textures are that big.

About NV2A I've heard that it's 2048x2048. Again not that it matters. No game, this generation at least, will ever come close to using that.


And IIRC, Rogue Leader (heh, I wonder why we keep coming back to this gem?) does in fact use 512 square base textures.

That's what I heard too (on IGNcube I think). Every space level with a planet in the background, a 512x512 texture is used for the planet. Like the intro where a bunch of Xwings fly by an orange looking planet, it's made up of one texture.
I'm almost positive that GCN supports 2048x2048, as does Xbox.

Neither commonly use such big textures, though.
1024*1024, same as GS.
Not all that important though, imo texture size is becoming less relevant nowadays, with quick access to many passes and fast context switching.
Fafalada: Are you 100% sure? I dunno, maybe my memory is a little flaky here..

But back when GCN was called Dolphin I thought I remember 2048x2048 being the limit.
Hehe, thanks for clearing that up. :)

Yeah, they had different specs.. because I am so sure that it said 2048x2048 max. Oh well.
A large texture isn't a guarantee for great quality in itself. The advantage Xbox has over Cube and PS2 isn't support for 2k*2k textures but rather its larger amount of memory. Variety is also important.