You can export existing textures into editing apps, and I was wrong about the highest resolution, they use 512x512x32 for their largest textures(I used to try to avoid using them as they refuse to work without a 64MB board, been a while since I used Scapex). I'm not sure why you keep specifying opaque objects?
Particularly since you said this was a y2k game, and GF2 class hardware takes massive fillrate hits with 32bit maps of that size, especially if you enable any filtering fancier then bilinear...
If performance is your excuse, you would use compressed maps.
Compression leads to artifacts, particularly with NV1X line of hardware which uses 16bit interpolation when utilizing DXTC1(nasty banding). Not only that, but in 2K the majority of hardware in terms of installed base didn't support DXTC so the only way you could handle compression was to check for DX caps and then compress them at load time, which given the size of maps in Sac would be a lengthy process(or they could have gone the UT route and had another CD including nothing but pre compressed textures, although that would have brought the install to be quite hefty, likely the largest to date by 2K standards) .
As far as performance, Sac brought pretty much everything to its knees in 2K, even the GF2Ultra wasn't stellar in its performance with the game(although it wasn't poor, 60FPS average was certainly not viable with all details on). It is a strategy game however, so performance wasn't as big of an issue as it was with the other major, in graphics term, 2K title- Giants. By default Sac detects my rig as ideally running 800x600x16 bilinear(it has built in utility like most of the newer games do) while I'm running a GHZ Athlon, 512MB RAM and a GF2Pro450(pretty much an Ultra, 64MB 230/450).
The actual fetch done by rasterizers is in units much smaller then that, so the real access number is only gonna be lower yet. While it's true it would change with filtering used, 1/10th is probably even conservative for average case.
If you compare anisotropic(w/tri) to bilinear, how would you not increase the fetch rate by at least a factor of four, or are you taking cache in to account excluding fetches?