"Game Boy Enhanced - Portable Gamecube and GBA Player

OT: You know you're a graphics geek when you can tell what rendering algorithm the fake photos of next gen hardware was done with due to the artifacts. I'm betting on the ghost renderer for MAX, those noisy shadows and overly diffuse materials look like monte carlo raytracing shots to me.
I like the so-called "kiddy" rendering.

Obviously it's not perfect or even entirely realistic, but with a few tweaks and good battery life it would work.
london-boy said:
:LOL: Rabid, that "3D graphics style" is called Maya, or 3D Studio Max, or any other 3D renderer... :LOL: just teasing...
no no , I mean the image has somehow similar lighting and material rendering as that consept I told, they have that same quality that gives away that they might have been done by same artist.
GameCat said:
OT: You know you're a graphics geek when you can tell what rendering algorithm the fake photos of next gen hardware was done with due to the artifacts. I'm betting on the ghost renderer for MAX, those noisy shadows and overly diffuse materials look like monte carlo raytracing shots to me.

I was thinking the same.

Rabid, i was only joking... I remember the other one being, first of all, very very pretty, second of all, with loads of chrome all over and generally better done. As i was saying the same "style" looks to me like a raytracing same-y look. Just 2 grey things being rendered with the same raytracer (if it was raytraced).