futureMark interview.

2senile said:
I'm a believer in the principle of "keep things simple". They should just put a porn vid' in the next 3DMark & to hell with VS/PS!They'd sell more anyway. ;)

But with bumpmapping! ;)
_xxx_ said:
2senile said:
I'm a believer in the principle of "keep things simple". They should just put a porn vid' in the next 3DMark & to hell with VS/PS!They'd sell more anyway. ;)
But with bumpmapping! ;)
I can see it already: 3XMark 06, featuring enhanced humpmapping-on-synthetics tests! :oops:
Para said:
T2k said:
worm[Futuremark said:
Sigma said:
If an OpenGL 3DMark would be identical to a DX 3DMark, why not take the change of having 3DMark run in every platform?
Of course we are monitoring the need for a 3D benchmark for other platforms too, but we don't have any plans to enter the Mac or Linux platforms just yet.

Personally I am not sure how big of a need there is for a 3D benchmark like 3DMark for other platforms at the moment. Mac's have always been more or less used for everything else except gaming, and same goes for Linux. But as said, we are monitoring the situation.

Actually things are moving quite the other way than you painted here - take a look on this: http://www.beyond3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19459

Do you think is there any other main reason than gaming behind buying X800 XT PE for Mac? (Forget 3D enthusiasts' tiny market, please.)

Computer graphics (professional work) is pretty popular on the Mac side, that's the main reason for a powerful GPU on Mac side too. Gaming is still a niche market on that side.

Computer graphics (professional work) doesn't need very powerful VGA, due to their 2D-only needs.

3D/DCC work need it but that's far from being popular on Mac. In fact, Mac is pretty crappy when it comes to 3D by default. G5 is cool, as a CPU but the rest of the HW holds it back. Since Apple doesn't really let you know what's going on on HW-level, we don't really know why a dual G5 has roughly the same performance like a top-notch FX-53. (That's my case in general, except music sw.)

BTW Mac gaming is still way bigger market than Mac 3D.
Reverend said:
FrgMstr said:
worm[Futuremark said:
]Personally I am not sure how big of a need there is for a 3D benchmark like 3DMark for other platforms at the moment. Mac's have always been more or less used for everything else except gaming, and same goes for Linux. But as said, we are monitoring the situation.

Have you figured out the NEED for 3DMark on the PC front besides monetary gain for your company? ;)
C'mon Kyle, that's not fair (and rather silly IMO)... [H] makes money and you strive to improve it for this reason.

What is not fair about it exactly? I see nothing silly about that at all.

Yes, [H] makes money. I am unsure what they has to do with the NEED for 3DMark. Worm said they saw no need for 3DMark in some areas, I just wondered what need they did see in PC. I thought it made for a great question.
T2k said:
FrgMstr said:
worm[Futuremark said:
]Personally I am not sure how big of a need there is for a 3D benchmark like 3DMark for other platforms at the moment. Mac's have always been more or less used for everything else except gaming, and same goes for Linux. But as said, we are monitoring the situation.

Have you figured out the NEED for 3DMark on the PC front besides monetary gain for your company? ;)

Should I ask something similar about [H]?

It's pretty childish, Kyle.

Please ask. I will not dodge your question. I am sorry you think my wondering the need for 3DMark is childish.
FrgMstr said:
Reverend said:
FrgMstr said:
worm[Futuremark said:
]Personally I am not sure how big of a need there is for a 3D benchmark like 3DMark for other platforms at the moment. Mac's have always been more or less used for everything else except gaming, and same goes for Linux. But as said, we are monitoring the situation.

Have you figured out the NEED for 3DMark on the PC front besides monetary gain for your company? ;)
C'mon Kyle, that's not fair (and rather silly IMO)... [H] makes money and you strive to improve it for this reason.

What is not fair about it exactly? I see nothing silly about that at all.

Yes, [H] makes money. I am unsure what they has to do with the NEED for 3DMark. Worm said they saw no need for 3DMark in some areas, I just wondered what need they did see in PC. I thought it made for a great question.

You questioned the need for a piece of software (well, actually, you basically said 3DMark is useless).

I question the need for a hardware review site. Like yours. Like ours.

You don't see things Harry sees it. The same can be true the other way around.

We don't need WinXP, do we?
in this generation, it seems like a mindshare thing--3DMark has existed for a while, so they keep releasing 3DMark even though it doesn't provide us with a whole lot of useful information about new hardware. but, like 3DM03, when a new spec comes out that isn't used in games yet, 3DMark will probably be one of the first benchmarks available for it and almost certainly the first popular benchmark for it.
Reverend said:
You questioned the need for a piece of software (well, actually, you basically said 3DMark is useless).

I question the need for a hardware review site. Like yours. Like ours.

You don't see things Harry sees it. The same can be true the other way around.

We don't need WinXP, do we?

I think you are getting a bit out there on this. Worm said it was not needed for other platforms. That implies it is needed on the ones they produced it for. I stated I would like to know why they think it is needed for the PC platform.

Really I was just joking, hence the little winky smilee, but I guess it hit a nerve with you. Anyway, I digress and was stating a rhetorical question that I know would not be answered.

As for WinXP, I have no idea what you need, but I require it.

And please next time don't put words in my mouth. I never said anything close to "3DMark is useless"....at least not in this thread. :p
Given the history between you/[H] and 3DMark/Futuremark, perhaps it is slightly possible that I made an assumption that your comments were simply -- and only -- derogatory towards 3DMark/Futuremark. Please excuse my lack of proper perception of you/[H] wrt 3DMark/FM.
Reverend said:
Given the history between you/[H] and 3DMark/Futuremark, perhaps it is slightly possible that I made an assumption that your comments were simply -- and only -- derogatory towards 3DMark/Futuremark. Please excuse my lack of proper perception of you/[H] wrt 3DMark/FM.

Cool deal bro. I was just having a bit of fun.

If I want to dig into them I will save it for our front page. :)
FrgMstr said:
Worm said they saw no need for 3DMark in some areas, I just wondered what need they did see in PC. I thought it made for a great question.
I actually said that I am personally not sure how big of a need there is for a 3D benchmark like 3DMark for other platforms, and that we (Futuremark) are monitoring the need for a 3D benchmark for other platforms.

When we started the 3DMark series back in the 90's, there was a need for a professional benchmarking tool for the PC's, and we believe that there still is (as we pointed out in the interview).

Anyway, at the moment we don't have no immediate plans to include OpenGL tests into 3DMark for the PC, but as I said in the interview, "Time will tell if we will include OpenGL tests into some of our existing benchmarks on the PC, or if we will make a completely separate product testing OpenGL 3D performance on the PC".
You should be asking yourselves (FM) if supporting openGL is something you feel would add more value for your customers or be of interest/use to them.

A 3dm2k5ogl would be a GOOD THING(tm) in the same way that 3dm2k1-5 is a GOOD THING(tm), it lets you compare apples to apples and see what type of performance changes occur with new drivers/hardware/etc.

(And damn it, I am STILL pissed about the whole DST thing Worm and don't even try talking to me about it as the company line just gets me all worked up worse!)

I think an openGL 3dmark would be great, we need a pure benchmark for openGL since DroneZ is getting sooooo old. ;)