Fuck Time Warner Cable


donator of the year
Why do I pay the same as everyone else for HBO, but can't use HBO Go? At first I thought it was a glitch, come to find out it is the TWC execs going out of their way to shaft customers in an attempt to stay relevant. Which ironically makes them even less relevant to me, and I will NEVER sign a contract with TWC again.

I assume the master plan is to pay off the US government to kill net neutrality so they can filter out any "unauthorized content" (for when HBO decides to offer a streaming-only service), forcing people to go through their shitty cable service to get the content they want. I want to scream. Actually what I really want to do is watch the season premier of Curb. That's why I pay for it.
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you're absolutely right...abolishing net neutrality has one end goal: make the internet like subscription TV where there are only so many sites (channels) and you pay more for extra. Only a matter of time...