From another forum: small detail about PSP and its roots...


On the same floor they make PlayStation 2 ( EE+GS@90 nm ), PSX and PSP chips...

Why do they make the PSP processor ( SoC ) on that floor ? ( that is the 150 nm to 90 nm technology part )...

Are the three devices sharing technologies or that was the only space they could give them ?

I just noticed it now...

1st Floor, btw, is for Cell and other technologies ( Cell was high-lighted though )...
I doubt they'll be using a 8" waffer production.

Just too costly when they can switch to 12" for much better results.

Well... the EE+GS@90 nm is only 86 mm^2 and I do not know if that woudl justify hasting to 300 mm wafers which are going to be used with the 65 nm process in Floor 1 of that same fab.

I'd think you can't just pop-in bigger wafers and expect the machines to handle the rest without additional effort...

Those slides are from a Sony presentation...
I don't get that picture with all those balloons, arrows and PS, PSP, PS2 etc.
Can someone please explain it to me.
I understand hat PSX sort of includes PS2 and PSOne, is the Home Server then PS3??
The Pocket Station is sort of outside all this. The PSP is a little bit inside PSX, PS2 and maybe Home Server, but outside PS One and Pocket Station.
And what is that upwards pointing 'Enhanced' arrow?
I hope not... that would be too bulky... you can use the USB 2.0 ports both systems should have to have video and sound displayed on the PSP screen :)
I have 2 VMU's in my DC controller and it doesn't feels like bulky...

But you're saying that we will be able to hook a pocket playstation on to the PSP?